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Ramana Maharshi says miseries come only because of one’s desire to enjoy the world

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The boat may remain in water, but if water enters the boat it will bring

great catastrophe. [Likewise] a man may live in the world, but if the world

enters [the mind of] the man the whole life will be miserable.


Sri Muruganar: It is not the world itself but only the attachment towards

the world which constitutes samsara-bandha [the bondage of mundane

existence]. Attachment is caused by the mind, and not by what is outside. No

harm will befall one by one’s merely living in the world; but all miseries

come into existence only because of one’s desire to enjoy the world.


Source: GURU VACHAKA KOVAI The Light of Supreme Truth or THE COLLECTION OF

GURU’S SAYINGS translated from original Tamil By Sadhu Om and Michael James


Guru Vachaka Kovai is the biggest collection of Bhagavan’s spoken teachings

that was thoroughly checked and revised by him during his lifetime. As such

it has a unique place in the Ramana literature.



Om namo Bhagavate Sri Ramanaya

Prasanth Jalasutram




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