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Human Life is not for working hard like animals - Part1

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“As the embodied soul continually passes, in this body, from boyhood to

youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. The

self-realized soul is not bewildered by such a change.” (Bg. 2.13)


Unfortunately, this spiritual education is completely absent from modern

human civilization. No one understands his real self-interest, which lies

with the spirit soul, not with the material body. Education means spiritual



To work hard in the bodily conception of life, without spiritual education,

is to live like an animal. These days people are working so hard simply for

bodily comforts, without education regarding the spirit soul. Thus they are

living in a very risky civilization, because the spirit soul has to

transmigrate from one body to another. Without spiritual education, people

are kept in dark ignorance and do not know what will happen to them after

the annihilation of the present body. They are working blindly, and blind

leaders are directing them.


A foolish person does not know that he is completely under the bondage of

material nature and that after death material nature will impose upon him a

certain type of body, which he will have to accept. He does not know that

although in his present body he may be a very important man, he may next get

the body of an animal or tree because of his ignorant activities in the

modes of material nature. Therefore the Krishna consciousness movement is

trying to give the true light of spiritual existence to all living entities.

This movement is not very difficult to understand, and people must take

advantage of it, for it will save them from the risky life of



Materialists who work hard like dogs and hogs simply for sense gratification

are actually mad. They perform all kinds of abominable activities simply for

sense gratification. Materialistic activities are not at all worthy of an

intelligent man, for as a result of such activities, one gets a material

body, which is full of misery.


The purpose of human life is to get out of the threefold miserable

conditions, which are concomitant with material existence. Unfortunately,

fruitive workers are mad to earn money and acquire temporary material

comforts by all means; therefore they risk being degraded to lower species

of life. Materialists foolishly make many plans to become happy in this

material world. They do not stop to consider that they will live only for a

certain number of years, out of which they must spend the major portion

acquiring money for sense gratification. Ultimately such activities end in

death. Materialists do not consider that after giving up the body they may

become embodied as lower animals, plants or trees. Thus all their activities

simply defeat the purpose of life. Not only are they born ignorant, but they

act on the platform of ignorance, thinking that they are getting material

benefits in the shape of skyscraper buildings, big cars, honorable positions

and so on. The materialists do not know that in the next life they will be

degraded and that all their activities simply serve as their defeat.


Those who are blind about understanding the soul have got many thousands and

thousands of subject matters for hearing. However all these subject matters

are useless.


Human life is meant for understanding what I am, what is God and what is my

relationship with God. That is the real purpose of human life. Otherwise,

" Where is food? " , " Where is shelter? " , " Where is service? " , " Where is sex? " ,

these are the inquiries of the animals only. The hog also inquiring, " Where

is stool? Where is stool? " The stool-eating hog is also working hard, " Where

is stool? Where is stool? Where is stool? " Do you think that is very

credable task, to work hard day and night for finding out where is stool?

This is hog's business.


At the present moment, modern civilization is going on, " Where is food? " ,

" Where is apartment? " , " Where is sex? " and " Where is defense? " But these are

the inquiries of the animals. They are also searching " Where is food? " ,

" Where is shelter? " , " Where is sex? " and " Where is defense? "


The human life is meant for inquiring " Where is God? " That is human life.

Not " Where is stool? " That is hog's business. So we should not encourage

this hog civilization. Hog civilization is to work hard day and night to

find out where is food, where is shelter, where is sex, and where is

defense. This is the wrong type of civilization. Human civilization means

" Where is Brahman, the Absolute Truth? " " Where is God? " " What I am? " These

are the inquiries of civilized human beings.


.... To Be Continued



Om namo Bhagavate Sri Ramanaya

Prasanth Jalasutram




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