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Human Life is not for working hard like animals - Final Part

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When one comes to understand, " Shall I work like the cats, dogs, and hogs,

or do I have another business? " this is human life. Unfortunatly the modern

civilization means keep them in the darkness, " Let them work hard like hogs

and dogs, and don't give them any knowledge. " All of them are working like

hogs and dogs. They do not know there is something else. This is the



They do not know, and also their so-called leaders do not know, what is the

perfection of the human form of life. They think, " This is life: work like

hog and dog, and then die like hog and dog, finish all business. " This is

not human life.


Therfore Krishna says they are mudhas, asses, rascals. And if we repeat

Krishna's words, the rascals, they become angry. Actually they are rascals.

We plainly say. Because he does not know. If I ask him, " What is your next

life? " he cannot answer. Then what is the difference? If I ask the dog that

" What is your next life? " he cannot say. " Gow! gow! " That's all. So if I ask

any human being that " What is your next life? " and he replies " I don't

bother about that thing. " It is the same answer as the dog, " Gow! Gow! "

That's all.


The rascals are thinking " If I don't work hard, how shall I satisfy my

senses? At night I must have this intoxication, this woman, this club, this

If I don't work hard how shall I get this enjoyment? " But this kind of

enjoyment is available to the hogs. It is not very good type of enjoyment,

sense gratification. The hogs are enjoying by eating stool and having sex

without any discrimination, don't care for mother, sister So this kind of

sense gratification civilization is there amongst the dogs and hogs, but

human life is not meant for that.


Human life is meant for tapasya, austerity, so that human life you can stop

your repetition of birth and death and come to your eternal life and enjoy

blissful eternal life of knowledge. That is the aim of life. Not that " Never

mind if we become dogs and hogs in the next life. "


They have been educated so that if a university student is informed that " If

you live irresponsibly, then you may become a dog next life, " so they say,

" What is wrong if I become a dog? " This is the result of modern education.

He doesn't care. He is thinking, " If I get the life of a dog, I will have no

restriction of my sex life, as a dog I will be able to have sex life on the

street. " That's it. He is thinking that is advancement. " If now in the human

body there is restriction, then in the dogs body there is no restriction, I

will get sex life on the street, that is better. "


Here in this material world you cannot get food without any labor. Just see.

These laborers here, they have come. Whole day they are working. But if I

say that " Why you are working so hard? Come here, live here with us, take a

little prasadam, and make progress in Krishna consciousness, " nobody will

come. Nobody will come. " No, no. I am very happy here working hard all day. "


The human form of life is not meant for that purpose, to work so hard.

Actually, we do not want to work hard. That is our tendency. But we want

more profit for sense gratification. Therefore we utilize other's service,

who will work for me, and I shall take the profit. This is the defect of the

modern civilization.


Actually, when a man gets some money, he does not work very much. He takes

some profit, either keeping in the bank some balance, and lives in a

comfortable place. That is the tendency. Because we are spiritual entities,

our natural tendency is to enjoy life. Spiritual entities means by nature

they want to enjoy life. That is the spiritual nature.


As Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is by nature joyful,

similarly, we being part and parcel of Krishna, we are also by nature

joyful. But unfortunately, we have been put into such condition, material

condition, that we are trying to enjoy life in this material condition. That

is not possible. So the materialists are trying their best to make material

adjustments and enjoy life. They are called karmis. But when they are wiser,

that " We have worked so hard, but actually we could not enjoy life. Then

what is the problem of life? " that is the platform of the jnanis and the



Sometimes we are accused that we're escaping labor, we are parasites, we are

dependent on the society. We are not dependent on the society; we are

dependent on Krishna. Krishna is supplying us this nice building, nice food,

nice opportunity. Not only one—we have got hundreds of buildings like that,

without any labor. We are not working like these laborers. Just see. I went

to your country with forty rupees, and now I have got forty crores of

property. So I did not work like them. Yes. The people are bringing money.

Krishna is sending money, daily one to five lakhs of rupees. So this is

Krishna consciousness. Why one should work hard? Human life is not meant for

that. Take Krishna's shelter. Krishna will supply everything.


Source: http://krishna.org/human-life-is-not-for-working-hard-like-animals/



Om namo Bhagavate Sri Ramanaya

Prasanth Jalasutram




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