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Golden words of Bhagavan Sathya Sai Baba - 35.

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35. Good thoughts


Good Sankalpas (thought impulses) can elicit the best out of man and help him to

use all his mental strength for his uplift. Ships at sea are guided by the

compass along the desired direction; without it, they risk being wrecked on

rocks or icebergs. Man has to sail safe across the ocean of Samsara (worldly

existence). So he needs a one-pointed, unruffled mind to guide him and guard

him. Man has to recognise bad Sankalpas as soon as they arise and render them

ineffective by the systematic cultivation of beneficial Sankalpas. The latter

alone can save a person from disaster and confer Prasanthi (supreme peace).


Instead of saying a hundred things, it is better to do one thing properly.

Sanctify your life by doing selfless work. For the person who talks a lot, there

is no time for work. For the person who is engaged in work, there is no time to

talk. Instead of wasting time in your words, use your time in service to

mankind, which is service to God, all the while repeating the name of the Lord.


We become what we contemplate. By constant thought an ideal gets imprinted on

our hearts. When we fix our thoughts all the time of the evil that others do,

our mind gets polluted by evil. On the contrary, if we fix our mind on the

virtues or well-being of the others, our mind is cleansed of wrong and

entertains only good thoughts. No evil thought can penetrate the mind of a

person wholly given to love and compassion.

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