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Important Couplets From Ribhu Gita

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Some may argue that this universe of duality (multiple existences) is a

factual second reality, clearly seen by the senses operated by the mind. But

then, are the senses anything apart from the mind? Can they function without

the support of the mind in which they are imbedded? What is this mind except

a bundle of thoughts? What are thoughts except evanescent ripples in the

still, limitless ocean of pure Being-Awareness-Self,which is the sole

Existence without a second? (Ch. 2, v.34)


The total discarding of the mind is alone victory,achievement, bliss, yoga,

wisdom and liberation. The sacrifice of the mind is, in fact, the totality

of all sacred sacrifices. (Ch.15, v.7)


Those engaged in the pursuit of knowledge of the Brahman-Self, happening to

get involved in the mundane pleasures of sex, should regard such pleasures

as merely faint shadows of the bliss of the Self. They should never even

dream of worldly pleasures.(Ch.20, v.45)


There are no such things as achieved objectives and the efforts leading to

them, association with the wise or the ignorant, efforts of learning and

knowledge acquired,acts of enquiry and practice, the learner or the learned,

and any goals achieved.What exists is only Brahman, the effulgent

Awareness-Self.(Ch.23, v.10)


In the conviction that ‘I am the Self ’ in which no thought, ego, desire,

mind or confusion can exist one should abide still, free from trace of

thought. (Ch.26, v.31)


It is only the mind which appear as the world and bondage; there is no world

other than the mind. On enquiry this mind turns out to be nothing more than

a group of ripples (thoughts) in the still ocean of pure

Awareness-Siva-Self. I am that Siva-Self only and there is nothing apart

from me, one should ever abide in the conviction born of this experience.

(Ch.32, v.33)


If this world of the waking state is not evanescent in its nature, whatever

is seen in the waking state must be seen during sleep also. Since I as pure

Self exist alone and always,there is no room for thought of non-Self-world.

I-Self-Brahman is the sole Existence. (Ch.35, v.24)


Only those who contemplate on Lord Siva-Self,the pure supporting screen of

all manifestation, gain the pure experience of sahaja nirvikalpa samadhi. Apart

from this devotion to Lord Siva (the Pure-Alert-Awareness-Self ) there are

no other means leading to liberation. (Ch.35, v.44)


Source: The Essence of Ribhu Gita Selection and English Translation By Prof.

N. R. Krishnamoorthi Aiyer



Om namo Bhagavate Sri Ramanaya

Prasanth Jalasutram




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