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Golden words of Bhagavan Sathya Sai Baba - 41.

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41. Love all. Serve all


Install God in the altar of your heart and meditate on Him constantly. In spite

of sorrow, difficulties and calamities that you may encounter, hold on to him

firmly. They trouble your body, not you - for, you are separate from your body.

We cultivate qualities like anger, jealousy, envy, and pride due to our contact

with the outside world. Only when we get rid of these qualities, we enjoy peace.

Therefore we have to start our spiritual journey with truth and righteousness.

When truth and righteousness go together, peace will reign. Peace brings love.

Where there is peace, there hatred cannot be. When we develop hatred against

someone, it means the spring of love has dried up in our heart. When there is

love in our heart, we do not get angry, even if someone accuses us. Hence always

follow the motto, " Love All, Serve All. "


Protect your mother tongue and Motherland with all your energy. Make yourselves

fit for this, by making the best use of the opportunities. Progress as much as

you can, without any hesitation. Develop character as well as intelligence and

health. The most reliable source of strength is in you, not in money, or kinsmen

or physical acumen, but in the Divinity within you. Know it, delve into it, and

draw sustenance from it. See it in all, serve it in all.

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