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Pujya Ramsukhdasji Maharaj

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How to Recognize and Approach a Saint?


I met a gentleman who said to me - " I have met many great souls

(Mahaatmaa) " . Then I told him, that you have not even met one. If you

had met one, then you would not meet many. Truthfully, if you meet even one

saint, you would stop (get stuck, settled) right there and then. Since you are

still searching and wandering around, it means you have not met even one. If you

had found one, then thereafter would you go anywhere at all? For what reason

would you go, tell me? It is because you have seen some limitations in the ones

you have met, therefore you are going to the others. You were not entirely

satisfied and fulfilled over there, therefore you are wandering about, wanting

to meet others.


Someone had said -


Hari durlabh nahin jagat mein, harijan durlabh hoi

Hari heryaa sab ja mile, harijan kahin ek hoi.


The saint, great souls and those who recognize them are very rare.

Now-a-days, deceit, hypocrisy, falsehood has become so widespread, that

recognizing a real saint, a great soul, has become an extremely

difficult task. But one who has a true and sincere quest, will be able

to recognize. It is only when Bhagwaan (God) graces a soul that one can

recognize a real saint. Now how to recognize that one? Brothers ! we do not

recognize them, rather we can get to know ourselves.


I have heard a story. A youthful prince was placed on the throne.

After ruling the kingdom for 5-6 years, he gathered the wise and elderly men

from his kingdom and asked them - " Tell me is my ruling better or is my father's

better? " or was my Grandfather's better? Who was best as a ruler? You all have

had the opportunity to see three generations of ruling. All the subjects became

silent. One very old man, got up and began to speak - " Maharaj! we are the

subjects. Even though you are much younger than us, so what, you are after all

our Master. Now how are we to make the conclude that who was the most able among

the three rulers? Who was better and who was worse? We are not capable of

deciphering. However, if you ask, I can tell you about myself, but I cannot test

you " The new king said - " Alright, tell me about yourself " .


(The wise old man shared a detailed story about the changes for the

worse among the subjects with each new ruler... people becoming more

greedy, corrupt, sensuous, dish0nest etc. Detailed story is not



The wise man ends by saying we can share with you the thoughts in our

mind, but how can we gauge how well you all are ruling. Where do we

have such capability?


The king understood that this old man is very sharp, wise and

intelligent. " yathaa raaja tathaa prajaa " As is the king, so are his

people. The king realized that the wise man revealed the truth to him,

without embarrassing or degrading him. In the same way, we cannot

recognize saints that how far advanced they are spiritually, however,

by going to him, if the agitations in our mind are becoming quietened

and settled, without asking if our doubts are getting clarified, if we

feel satisfied and contented in our minds, if we see divine qualities

manifesting in us - in other words compassion, forgiveness, generosity,

sacrifice, contentment, righteousness etc are being practiced, we see our flaws

and these flaws are slowly diminishing, then by association of such a great soul

or by seeing (beholding) him, if such extraordinary qualities manifest - then we

can gauge for ourselves. But to recognize a saint, what can we say? How are we

to truly know, how they are?


Besides these qualities, he in whose mind there is the least bit of

concern or interest in whether we are rich or poor. He who gives a

little more attention, if we are rich, and is not as attentive if we

are poor. He in whose presence, we never ever feel that he has some

self interest in us. If we ask him about Jnanayog, karmayog, bhaktiyog

etc, then he reveals even more advanced spiritual truths to us. In our

eyes, besides him no one appears to know more about " with and without

attributes, form and formless Essence (Truth) " such a great soul if we

have an opportunity to have an association with him, then by opening our heart

and revealing ourselves, there will be immense benefit.


" Saral svabhaav na mana kutilaayi " (Manas, Utter 46/2)


Go to such a saint with a simple, straightforward heart. Do not ask

questions with the intent of displaying your knowledge, or with the

intent of appearing clever. Ask questions with a simple,

straightforwardness, for the purpose of removing the knots within, for

satisfying the hunger, the quest within, for wiping out the confusion and doubts

within, then the benefits will be immense.

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