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Feelings and emotions

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Now we enter the most difficult part of our study the realms of mind where the

ignited spark of feelings turn into the uncontrollable flames of emotions.


A flame steady and rising high is useful either to give light or cook food. But

a flame which is scattered is of no use. It burns the things lying next to it.


Feelling must be like a steady flame. When they become scattered spreading

flame. When they became scattered spreading and blazing in all directions, they

turn into violent emotions. They consume you.


Learn to control your emotions. Anger,impatience and intolerance are some of the

emotions that should be dealt with quickly. Do not allow them to swell up.


Observe your feelings closely. Watch your emotions care fully. Here we deal with

the subject of controlling our mind.


If you want to tackle any problem, go to root cause of that problem. Study it

impartially as a third person. Discuss it. Analyze it. Find a solution. It may

not to be your liking. This is the problem for most of our troubles. It's not

that we don't know the solution to a problem, but the said solution is not to

our liking-not the liking of our mind. So the mind rejects it. It doesn't allow

the aspect of intellect or discrimination in you to take reins and guide you.

This is where we have to be careful. Not to let the mind control us. How can we

do this ?


This is where the exercise of observing our thoughts helps us. Observe your

thoughts. Not when you are emotionally upset. When you have calmed down, sit at

your place of meditation and watch your thoughts.


If you got angry, find the reason for it.


Is your anger justified ?


Are you angry as some one has commented on your dress, behaviour, speech etc.?


If any comment has been made,how much truth is there in it ?


If it istrue, why should you be angry ?


Are you not able to accept criticism even when it is true ?


Why are you not ready ?


What is it troubling you and stopping you from accepting the truth in another

person's comments ?


Is it your ego,fear of failure , or feeling of shame ?


Why are you egoistic? How are you different from others? What greatness is there

in you ? What are you devoid of your family name, position,wealth and other

contributing factors for your supposed greatness ?


What have you achieved on your own?


What do you feel that your achievements are so great ?


If you feel you are hurt, what is it that has hurt you ?


What is your part in what ever has happened ?


If a chance is given to replay that incident do you behave in

a different way, in a proper way ?


If the comments made against you are baseless, why can't you simply dismiss them



Why don't you forgive the person who made those comments ?


Is it because you don,t like that person? Or is there any other reason ?


Even if the other person is bad, won't it be noble on your part if you forgive

him ?


If you have fear of failure, what is success and what is failure ?


How do you measure them ?


Do you equate winning with success ?


Then what about statements such as losers being `winners', `graceful in defeat',

`fought till the end' etc. ?


How do you explain a talented person losing and a not so talented one winning

the match ?


What is failure ? What is the question of failure when you have put in your

hundred per cent effort ?


Do you expect sympathy from others ?


Why should any one sympathize with you ?


If you have not performed well you will fail. If you haved failed that means you

have not perforemed well.


Why are you afraid of facing the reality ?


My friend , analyze , dig deeper and deeper. Answer in all sincerity. You will

reach the root. You understand what it is that is disturbing you.


Most of the time it is nothing but self- love,misplaced affections, craving for

sympathy of recognition or a sense of inferiority that will be the answer.

Tackle it .


By trying to be dispassionate, by accepting the truth, by clearing your vision,

and by allowing your discrimination to dominate your mind.

To aid you in your effort, practice yoga and meditation.


Write a daiary. Record your feelings,emotions and reactions during the day.

Write what corrective measures you want to adopt to overcome your emotions.

Check whether you are adopting them or not.


`'Mankind are governed more by their feelings than by reason – Samuel Adams''


`'Thought is deeper than all speech,feelings deeper than all

thoughts—Christopher P Cranch''



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