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na dharmanishtosmi na chatttmavedi

na bhaktimaamstvaccharanaaravinde /

akimchano-nanyagatih saranam

tvatpaadamulam saranam prapadye //

- Stotraratna



I am neither empowered by the grace of morality nor do I have the merit of Self

knowledge. I have no devotion to your lotus feet either. Having nothing in my

possession, finding no other source of protection, I beseech in surrender the

bottom of your own lotus feet.


Points for Introspection:

This is a sincere cry of a devotee from the depth of his heart calling out to

the Supreme Lord and surrendering himself completely in his divine reassuring

hands. To surrender to God no qualification is necessary. One must become like a

child who knows the mother and mother alone. When the child feels helpless or

fearful he runs to the mother's lap knowing that that lap is the supreme

shelter. Similar should be a devotee. He should take complete refuge at the

Lord's feet.


A devotee should call God in all openness and earnestness. He should place

before God all his shortcomings, his inabilities, his doubts and apprehensions,

but laden with the sincere feelings that he has nobody else except God for his

refuge. In this shloka the devotee is crying out to God: " I know I have no

qualification to please you,

neither I am a follower of dharma, nor have I attained the knowledge of the

Self. I also do not have any devotion at your holy lotus feet. Do I deserve to

be called yours and be protected by you O Lord? But still I, who has no

possession to call my own, who has no source of support anywhere else, simply

take shelter at your feet O Lord. I do not know what is good or bad for me. I

know that you alone are my only refuge. In spite of whatever shortcomings I have

O Lord, I know you will surely give me place in your lap and remove my

helplessness and fear. "


This shloka when chanted again and again, contemplating on each and every word

melts the heart with the feeling of belonging to God completely and to none

else. It gives the feeling of total surrender at the Lord's feet in spite of all

the shortcomings one has and sense of relief having placed all burden at the

Lord's feet.

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