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5) SELF CONTROL: It is only via self control that we can render our body and

mind healthy and balanced. Misuse of our sense organs leads to diseases and

mental stress. If we refuse to observe the rules of healthy eating and resting

our life force gets depleted quickly. To protect our health it is important to

observe Brahmacharya (sexual continence). The body becomes ill because of misuse

of the 5 senses and mind becomes diseases because of unwholesome thinking.

Mental promiscuousness is even more deadly than bodily illnesses. Hence always

urge your psyche to think positively and in a sacred manner. Along with the body

and mind one should have immense self control

regarding ones wealth too. If we succeed in desirably controlling our body, mind

and wealth we will become strong, great thinkers and prosperous both materially

and spiritually.

6) UNITY: Success in any form is totally dependent on our mental equipoise and

balance. A mental state wherein man remains calm and serene under all

circumstances is most required today. Never despair when dire situations glare

at us and instead always think positively. Such a mind is extremely well

balanced and healthy. With due diligence and practice anyone can develop this

inner state of serenity. All the great tasks executed in world history and all

great leaders and thinkers of the world definitely possessed such a focused and

sacred psyche. By taking recourse to it one can march ahead in any chosen field

of life with honor.

7) WORLD AS ONE FAMILY: The chain that binds an individual to society is the

institution called a family. Society is nothing but a congregation of many small

units called families. No doubt efforts are required to induce progress in every

family and make every member cultured and great in character. despite this one

should not limit progress to this tiny unit and instead we must widen our mental

horizon so as to encompass the entire world as our family. The Vedas say ‘UDAAR

CHARITAANAAM TU VASUDHAIVA KUTUMBAKAM’ meaning one imbued with great character

looks upon the entire world as his/her family. Thus our sentiments towards our

family should wax like the moon in such a way that the entire world becomes our

beloved family. We must

use our bodily and mental potential for the advancement of the entire world.

Such cog in the wheel like contributions to the world will definitely herald a

heavenly atmosphere on earth on an eternal basis.

8) SOCIALISM: Man obtains wealth and comforts from society so as to lead a

prosperous life. Hence it now becomes his duty to contribute humbly to society’s

progress and peace. It is ethical duty to look after society’s well being and is

as important as his duty towards his family and relatives. Society can be well

managed and made prosperous only if every world denizen observes his duty

towards his family and the entire society in an ethical and honest manner. We

must behave with others exactly in the way we desire other to behave with us (if

we do not like abuses from others stop abusing others your self). Only on the

basis of this test that principles of ethics

and social duties will proliferate infinitely. Further it is as important to

weed out tainted traditions, criminal leanings and blind beliefs from their

roots when compared to imbibing ethical living. World society will attain glory

and grandeur only when every individual imbibes discipline, wholesome behavior,

sense of world brotherhood and sacred duty to society on a day to day basis.

9) SACREDNESS AND PURITY: Sacredness is a shining ornament of man’s

character. Brilliance in various fields (art, music, industry, media etc) can be

given due respect only when it encompasses humility gentlemanliness while

dealing with others. It also means giving due respect to those who deserve it

and never falling into the trap of vanity and arrogance. Maintaining decorum as

far as ones mode of dressing, body and other accessories used to falls under its

jurisdiction. Shabby or very gaudy clothes and ill kept objects give a very bad

impression to others. Hence opt for a simple dressing style which adds to your

inner aura. Our first impressions of other people commence with their general

appearance and their way of dressing. Moreover if the objects used by us are

well maintained

(watch, cell phone, car etc) it shows that our minds too are focused and

disciplined. Our external life should be well managed and inner life full of

gentlemanliness. This is the goal of good behavior.

10) PUNCTUALITY: The substratum of all types of wholesome success in life is

proper time management and balanced hard work. The path of progress is laid down

when we regularly execute our daily routine and work hard optimally. Every

action, be it minute or great in importance should be dealt with in an equally

focused manner and thus success will knock on your door without fail. Every

action done with due concentration shows the diligence of its doer. Wasting

precious time is equivalent to wasting our precious human life. Those who truly

understand the true importance of a human life make optimum use of time in their

hands. Apart from family responsibilities time

and ones efforts should definitely be utilized for contributing to social


11) INTEGRITY: Man is said to be ethical when he is transparent and honest as

far as wealth generation and its expenditure is concerned and that he

responsibly enacts all his duties. In material life only those prosper who are

full of integrity and responsibility. Professionally too only they succeed who

are ethical and full of transparency in all their transactions. They respect

accountability and commitment in their various professions. There is a demand

for candidates who responsibly and with commitment execute jobs assigned to

them. Even society honors and reveres them. In turn society

always stands by their side in a cooperative manner. Not only should our wealth

creation be ethical but that a part of it must be used for social welfare. One

must keep ones expenses minimum and whatever remains must be used for world well

being. Such pious sentiments of world welfare zooms mankind to the peaks of

human glory.

12) SENSE OF RIGHT AND WRONG: It is an enlightened discriminative intellect that

can tell us what is right and what is not. There prevail today innumerable blind

beliefs, lack luster traditions and blind practices which when tested prove to

be totally useless. And yet because they have prevailed over a very long time

span it is difficult for people to give them up. Hence it is only the light of

discrimination that can give man the necessary strength to renounce them in

totality. It helps man overcome narrow minded thinking and instead works

selflessly for world peace and prosperity. Many blind beliefs like death feasts,

animal sacrifice, dowry system, ghost mediums, sorcery, astrology for material

pursuits, leaving everything to fate etc have made our society weak and

demeaned. And yet because vested interests label them as ‘ancient traditions’ no

one has the valor to give them up. Thus the only way to uproot them is

generating necessary daring for this via an enlightened discrimination.

13) ATTAINING THE SPIRITUAL GOAL: Spiritual goals are attained when we use our

time, effort, wealth, skills and capabilities for rooting out sorrow and

downfall of society. The more one contributes their potential for this cause the

more one will progress on the path of spirituality. The goal of devotion,

meditation and penance is to manifest this spiritual viewpoint in our

psyche/soul. When a compassionate heart helps those in need it experiences

untold divine bliss which is not equivalent to even all material joy of the

world put together.

14) RADIANT SKILLS: When there is a lack of radiant skills other qualities of

ones psyche lose their utility sheen and importance too. Man can swim in the

infinite ocean of glory only if he deeply imbibes gentlemanliness, humility,

generosity, sense of service (Seva Bhava) and fearlessness. A weak minded

individual may be a gentleman and yet he never has the daring to oppose

undesirable trends in society. It is because of this that he fails to help

benefit the world at large with his generous and wholesome character. Even minor

hiccups in life make him tensed and thus out of fear bows down to unruly and

illegal elements. Thus simply because he lacks daring all his other wholesome

qualities become pale and useless. A point to note is that at any given point in

time the number of dictators, autocrats and criminals

has been in the minority and yet because they are fearless (in a demonic way)

they achieve their unethical goals. Hence it is most required that along with

other sacred qualities a spiritual seeker must develop wholesome enterprise,

daring and valor.


The above 14 precepts if imbibed by every layman will definitely reap

dividends of greatness of character and they are accepted by all religions the

world over. We can say that they are universal, meant for every world individual

and is suitable for all times. Despite the disparity of time, place and

individual personalities everyone can follow the above 14 precepts for material

and spiritual prosperity (barring those very few exceptions of a rare kind).

end ==================== end =================== end ==============end

Author : Pt shriram Sharma Acharyaji


Thank you and Have a Fulfilling Day


Venkat Koppaka

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