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Spiritual Practices and Scientific Research

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Dear ALL,


Today Western Medical Science is indeed deeply studying mental and

psycho-somatic diseases. And yet right since ancient times Yoga Sutras and

other sacred literature have given their root cause and method of overcoming

them. Spiritual Sciences opine that a sound mental balance and high stature

thinking is not only required for material gains but that it is most

required for advancement of man’s spiritual arena and rendering man’s

physical and mental body sound and healthy. It is therefore that great

Rishis of yore encouraged mankind vociferously to imbibe spiritual

practices, healing methods and faith in God along with great thinking. All

this comes under the umbrella of Soul Studies. Without doubt spiritual

applications are scientific in nature.


Actually spiritual practices were not meant for mere healing of diseases and

illnesses. This is because at their root certain principles exist wherein

the psyche was made powerful via awakening of subtle centers. Blooming

vibrations of the psyche evolves our vision positively and directs our

bodily actions in a wholesome manner. Without watering the roots of a tree

it is futile to expect it to grow and give us luscious fruits, colorful

flowers etc. Spiritual Sciences encompass Yoga practices, Yajna rites and

Mantra Science for the all round health of mankind i.e. the body, mind and

soul are nourished under their jurisdiction. Material Sciences have erred by

focusing exclusively on the health and comfort of the physical body. Hence

indirectly they ignored the uplifting of mankind’s sacred sentiments at the

soul level. As a result the world over, we are witnessing the horrifying

scene of the downfall of human, spiritual and ethical values. Thus it goes

without saying that along with physical well being the mind and soul too

needs ample nourishment. Once our character and soul are made taintless man

will experience infinite peace and bliss. The path of material and spiritual

progress will be thrown wide open and amazing Divine Powers will be ours for

the keeping.


Today’s generation demands visible proof based on sound scientific research.

If we fail to test Spiritual Principles with apt scientific experimentation

people will continue to gaze at them atheistically. Today because our

ancient spiritual sciences are looked upon skeptically man is forgoing all

material and spiritual benefits attained by imbibing spiritual precepts.

Hence Brahmavarchas Research Institute uses very scientific modern

technology and apparatus in its hi-fi laboratory. With its help we will give

sound evidence to one and all which will then encourage world humanity to

imbibe a spiritual vision via spiritual endeavors. This great responsibility

of scientifically proving the priceless nature of Spiritual Sciences is

being handed over to great modern scientists and gifted spiritual thinkers.

We humbly request them to work in tandem and focus all their attention on

this great task for the benefit of the entire world.


Author: Pt shriram Sharma Acharyaji



Thank you and Have a Fulfilling Day


Venkat Koppaka




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