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Pujya Ramsukhdasji Maharaj

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On Demoniac Traits


Question: Oh Lord, who is non-deserving of Bhagwaan (God)?


One who possesses demoniac traits.*


Question: What are the marks of the person who possesses demoniac



Lord said - they are the following -


1. Hypocrisy (falsehood and showmanship)

2. Exhibits arrogance, considering one's self superior and has pride due

to owning possessions.

3. Being proud due to egoism arising from " I-ness " and " mine-ness. "

4. Being Angry

5. Having harshness in thought, word and deed etc

6. Not giving importance to Discrimination of Truth-Untruth, knowledge

of Duty and Non-Duty (prohibited actions)


O' Arjun ! These are the qualities of a person who possesses demoniac

traits. Rather, one who possesses these traits is non-deserving of My

Devotion. (Gita 16:4)


What is the outcome (fruits) of the divine and demoniac traits, O Lord?


Divine traits are regarded as conducive to liberation while the demoniac nature

is conducive to bondage. But O' Pandava, ou should not grieve, for ou are born

with divine virtues. (Gita 16:6)


How is demoniacal nature conducive to bondage?

There are two types of men in the world - divine and demoniacal. The

divine type has been described at length; hear from Me the demoniacal

also. Men of demoniacal nature don't know what to do and what to

refrain from. Hence they possess neither purity, nor good conduct, nor

living the truth. (Gita 16:6-7)


O Lord, Why do they not possess purity etc.?

Their intellect and the way they see things is reverse. They say that

the world is unreal and without a moral basis, there is no righteousness

- unrighteousness, sins or virtues etc. there is no limits and

boundaries of correct behavior etc. There is no one who is responsible

for the creation of this world; creation began from desire born for

mutual union between man and woman, therefore creation is brought about by

lust/desire (kaam) only, there is no other reason behind it. (Gita 16:8)


What kind of actions do these people with demoniac trait perform?

Those men of atheistic outlook don't believe in the existence of the

soul (Atma, swaroop). Their intellect is base; and their deeds are very fierce;

they are enemies of the world. Such poeple apply their power for the destruction

of others. Filled with insatiable desires, full of hypocrisy, pride and

arrogance, holding evil ideas through delusion, they work in the world with

impure resolve for the destruction of others. They take the support of temporary

desires that are never fulfilled (Gita 16:9-10)


What sentiments do they hold / concept of life ?

Beset with immense worries and cares ending only with death and given to the

enjoyment of sensual pleasures and accumulation of wealth, they

believe with firm resolve and with certainty that the highest limit of

joy consists only in these sense pleasures and hoarding. (Gita 16:11)


What do they strive for, what is their aim, O Lord?

Held in bondage by hundreds of ties of expectation, given over to lust

and anger, they strive to continue to obtain by unjust means, hoards of wealth

for the enjoyment of sensual pleasures. (Gita 16:12)


What are their expectations?

This wealth has been gained by me today and now I shall fulfill my

desires. This wealth is already mine and additional wealth shall also

be mine in future. This enemy has been already slain by us and others

also shall we slay. We are lords, we are all very capable, we are

enjoyers, we are perfect, powerful and happy. We are wealthy. We have

so many people supporting us. Who else can be equal to us? We shall

perform many sacrifices, give charity and rejoice (enjoy). Thus being

deluded by ignorance they have many ambitions. (Gita 16:13-15)


What fate do they meet with after death?

Bewildered by many a fancy, enmeshed in the snare of delusion, addicted to the

hoarding of wealth and enjoyment of sensual pleasures, they fall into the

foulest hells.


What are the marks of those demoniac in nature attached to pleasures

which conduce them to ruin?

They are self-conceited, stubborn, filled with pride and intoxicated

with wealth.

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