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Sense-organs act upon the inner implements, especially on the mind.The mind is

conditioned from all


the five sides through the senses and it is always busy with its reactions to

the environment. So it


is highly having a reflection of the environment and not its own original

existences.It is always


having a reflection of the environment like a mirror and we have not time to

have the mirror with out


reflection.So it is always in the state of reflecting the enivironment and there

is not time for it


to exist as it is, with out reflection.We are looking at a Sun,The mirror is

reflecting a Sun.You


can see only Sun-reflection and not a mirror.When we are listening, there is

only the image of the


sound and not the mind.When we are smelling, there is only the image of the

smell and there is no


original mind.(Is it clear?)When we are tasting something, there is the image of

the smell and there


is no original mind.When we are experiencing something hot or

cold in touch , there is only the image of external touch, but the sense of

touch-pure is not


there.Thus mind does not exist when it comes into contact with the environment.

So immediately only


reaction comes forth.The secretary is working instead of the proprietor; and not

allowing him to


act.This is the impact of Kali Age.It is the sectetary that is preparing

everthing and asking the


proprietor to sign the paper without reading it.When questioned,he says, `'It

has been going on for


generations. You have no right to question.''That is what he says.(Laugh) Now

what to do? This


fellow is compared with a man sitting in a chariot.He has five horses to the

chariot.From five


different direction,nice grass is shown to each horse of these five separately.

Every horse is


pulling towards the grass, it is looking at.It is producing the same

sounds.(Here Master demonstrated


the sound of ahorse, to the laugh of the students).Then the Chariot moves.Can


call it a journey ? When the five horses are drawing the chariot to five

different directions and we


are made to travel like that, can this be called a journey ? So our lives are

like this.That is why


in the case of Bhagavadgita, the initiation is given in a horse-chariot ,drawn

by five horses .This


episode is an allegory denoting a supra-physical phenomenon.The man in the

chariot is just helpless


when the horses are drawing.That is how years are passing to us, age is

advancing.We are dashing


towards a wall called death,beyond which we do not know, what is there.There is

no question of


informing death before it occurs.It is straight death.Such are the rules.


This fellow who is suffering this way is called, the Ahamkara, the ninth

one.(5+4=9). He can be


called Jiva. He can also be called the negative `I AM''. He has only a

receiving pole and no


transmitting pole.He always receives information from outside.He has nothing to

transmit.Thus he is


negative .Inside there is another fellow.He is what is called the Light, the

tenth one.He is the only


light.All the other things are just reflection.Reflecti on, Reflector and the

apparatus of everything


are there.Highly sophisticated but unfortunately, it is only apparatus; and He

is radiatng light


outside.He is expanding,Himself expanding.What is it that is radiated.It is

called `' I AM'' .I t is


He from whom the light shines forth in the form of the mind,in the form of the

capacity of the


senses.It isonly due to electricity that is flowing through this,each part of

the sophisticated


machine is working with out which the machine is a corpse.We have to

lives as that fellow.Now we are living like fools wandering around. There is no

except ourself


inside .There is only one side . We are living like fools wandering

around.There should come a time


when we live as He.To attain that, there is path.


He is called in the Yoga science ` ` Iswara `' or `'Isha'' .He is the

greater`'I AM'', true `'I


AM''. Jiva is false`'I AM'' .What does `'Iswara means ? Iswara means the Lord.

He is the Lord and he


cannot be anything else . So if you begin to live with Him, you will be Himself

..What happens when a


light falls upon another bigger light ? It will live only as a light , not

lights.This is what is


required . The purpose of Yoga practice is instead of living like a

conditioned fool, living as the


Lord of all these, i.e. Lord of mind,Lord of senses, Lord of Buddhi etc.

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