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Pujya Ramsukhdasji Maharaj

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Become Alert! Time is the Support of Your Life!


You all become alert such that no time is utilized in useless things.

Talking meaningless things, being lazy and negligent, laughing and

delighting one's self in enjoyments, smoking-drinking and other

intoxications, lying and cheating in business and daily work, and

spending time in sinful activities etc., this is all a very sad state!

The outcome of this will be terrible. This time has been given to us

for attaining Paramatma (God). Due to our selfishness and pride, if we

give sorrow and difficulties to others, during this time, then this is

inviting great sorrow for us in the future. Therefore remain ever

alert! Every moment let it be engaged in the best of best work.


You are able to lock up money in the treasure chest, but time cannot be captured

and protected. Therefore time must be utilized with great care and put to best

of best use, then it will be alright! Or else it will be spent away. This is our

greatest wealth. It is not like money and riches, rather it is far greater than

money. You may have thousands and millions of dollars with you, then too you can

die, but if there is time remaining then you will not die even one minute

earlier. Living is dependent on remaining time. On having exhausted (used up)

the time, you will not be able to live anymore. Money will not make you live

longer. You are sustained due to time. Time itself is the support of your life.

Money is consumed when you spend the money, but time is consumed on it's own.

Even if you are doing work it is being used up and even if you are doing worship

of God then too it is being used up. This consumption of time is taking place

constantly. Death is constantly coming nearer, at which time, not even a single

moment can be extended. Whether you do business - professional work, or worship

of God, or meditation, the time goes by quickly. The moment the time comes to an

end, at that very moment this life will have to die. Thereafter there is no such

strength that will allow it to carry on living. The main support of this life is

slipping by. Utilize it for the best of best work. For this there is no other

solution than to be alert (cautious)! Therefore remain alert at all times.

Saints have said -


" Dil mein jaagrat rahiye bandaa

Het preet harijan sun kariye, par hariye dukh dvandvaa. "


What are we doing? Who will have to suffer the consequences of our

actions? Think about this deeply. Only human beings can engage in such

inquiry, such caution ! Birds, animals, trees etc. do not have such

knowledge or wisdom. It is man alone who is capable of leaving his

selfishness and doing things for the welfare of others. If he does not

do what is beneficial for others or serve others, then it is a grave

mistake. Such an opportunity to remember God and serve others will not

arise again. Do not let this moment slip by. If you do this work, then

major work will be accomplished. One who has made time his ally, he

will not have to regret. He who wastes his time, will definitely have



" So parat dukh paavyi sir dhuni dhuni pachitaayi

kaalahi sarmahi isvarhi mithyaa dos lagaayi " (Manas 7/43)


He who wastes away his time, is incurring a great loss. That time which is for

rememberance and worship of Bhagwaan, that time which is for engaging in welfare

of others for their help and benefit, if it is used in doing that which is not

beneficial to others it is a very great loss. Save yourself from this loss and

remain Alert (saavdhaan) ! Even if an animal is alerted, he becomes cautious. If

you say to a camel " Saavdhaan ! Saavdhaan ! " he immediately stays put in his

position. A donkey too when told " Bacho! Bacho! " , he begins to walk properly.

Human beings should become cautious and alert on their own.

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