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Ramana Maharshi says one must know one’s Self before the world is known

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A visitor asked Sri Bhagavan (in writing) the following questions: (1) Were

the differences in the world simultaneous, with creation? Or are they of

later growth? (2) Is the Creator impartial? Then why is one born lame,

another blind, and so on? (3) Are the eight Dikpalas, thirty-three crores of

gods and the seven rishis existent even today?


M.: Refer these questions to yourself and the answer will be found.


After a pause, Sri Bhagavan continued: if we first know our Self then all

other matters will be plain to us. Let us know our Self and then enquire

concerning the Creator and creation. Without first knowing the Self, to seek

knowledge of God, etc., is ignorance.


A man suffering from jaundice sees everything yellow. If he tells others

that all things are yellow who will accept his statement?



The creation is said to have an origin. How? Like a tree and the seed from

which it has grown. How was the seed produced? From a similar tree. Where is

the end to the series of questions? Therefore one must know one’s Self

before the world is known.





Love And Love Alone


Om Namo Bhagavate Sri Ramanaya

Prasanth Jalasutram




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