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Golden words of Bhagavan Sathya Sai Baba - 63.

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63. Control the Mind


The body is a chariot. The charioteer is the principle of Buddhi (intellect).

The senses are the horses. The reins that regulate and restrain the horses is

the Manas (mind). When the mind wavers and wanders, not having stability of

purpose, the horses run helter-skelter, endangering even the charioteer, Buddhi

(intellect). So, one has to control the mind and not pollute it with greed for

sense pleasures. The mind has to act as the associate of Buddhi. Speech sub

serving the mind and mind sub serving the intellect - this is the way to bring

about Prashanthi, the Supreme Peace. And, slowly and steadily, instruct the

intellect to turn towards the Atma. Speech guided by a mind, which is in tune

with an intellect illumined by the Atma - this will lead to us the ultimate



Do not lead a pompous life. Adambara (pomposity) is the root cause of Ashanti

(restlessness). Give up Adambara and strive to attain Ananda (bliss). True bliss

cannot be acquired from outside; it lies in your heart. In fact, bliss pervades

the entire world. Your mental perversions are responsible for seeing evil in it.

Hence, purify your mind. Only then can you become a true human being. Perform

meritorious deeds. Speak good words. Lead a sacred life. In this manner, you can

find fulfilment in life.

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