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Golden words of Bhagavan Sathya Sai Baba - 72.

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72. Do not see ill in others


Do not seek to discover or discuss the evil in others, for the attempt will

tarnish your own mind. When you are engaged in searching for the faults and the

failings of others, you are paving the way for developing those faults and

failings in yourself. Dwell on the good in others, and in time, it will prove to

be an asset to you. The goodness latent in you shall then be urged to sprout and



When you intend to harm another, the evil recoils on you. The grief which you

suffer is only an echo of the grief you inflict in another's heart. So when you

have injured another, pray for pardon. Repent and resolve never to do it again.

Through genuine prayer, mountains of evil can be pulverized and destroyed. From

now on, decide that your words shall be soft and sweet, your acts beneficial to

others and your thoughts always about how to serve others who are weaker and

less prosperous.


Every man should so lead his life that no pain is caused by him to any living

being. You must carefully consider the consequences of your speech and action.

In whichever way you want others to love and respect you, in the same way you

should first love and respect them. Only then will others reciprocate your love

and respect. If instead, without loving and respecting others you complain that

others are not treating you well, it is a wrong conclusion.

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