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Golden words of Bhagavan Sathya Sai Baba - 79.

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79. Good company leads to Divine Path


Iron turns into rust if it seeks the company of soil. It glows, softens and

takes on useful shapes, if it enjoys the company of fire. Dust can fly if it

chooses the wind as its friend. It has to end as slime in a pit, if it prefers

water. It has neither wing nor foot, yet it can fly or walk, rise or fall,

according to the friend it selects. Knowing this truth, a great saint Kabir once

said. " Here are my prostrations to the good. Here are my prostrations to the

bad. " When asked why he offered prostrations to the bad, he said, " My

prostrations to the bad, so that they may leave me alone. I do the same before

good, so that they might remain near me always. " You are shaped by the company

you keep.


The Lord incarnates as human being to help humans comprehend that which

apparently cannot be understood and to enable them to attain that which is

seemingly unattainable. By this action, the Lord, who is infinite, immutable and

immanent, does not suffer any diminution. Neither is He, though embodied in a

human frame, influenced by the taints and blemishes that normally affect a human

being. To grasp the significance of the Divine Incarnation, it is imperative

that one should rise above the rajasic (passionate) and thamasic (dull) gunas

(attributes). Pious (sathwic) habits alone can lead him through the path of true

devotion to the Lotus Feet of the Divine. For this, a favorable environment and

company of good people are essential.

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