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God and His creation

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Yekodevo bahudhaanivishtaha,

Chideva bhuvanatrayam

Brahmaivaahaamidam jagat

Sakalam chinmaatravistaaritam

Sarvam khalvidam brahma

Yekodevo bahudaanavishtaha


God is omnipotent. It means, He has the powers of sarvajnata, sarveswaratwata,

sarva-bhoktrutwata, sarva-niyamtrutwata, sarvaantryaamitwata,

sarva-srishtrutwata, sarva-paalakatwata, sarva-samhaarakatwata, etc.With

Rajoguna as chaturmukha Brahma, He creates trilokas, with Satwaguna as Vishnu,

He sustains and protects that creation and with Tamoguna as Siva, He annihilates

and dissolves the creation. He is kaalaswaroopa and prakriti-jiva-swaroopa. He,

being the creator of this srishti (universe) as well asits embodimentpossessing

special charactesitcs of kaala-prakriti-jiva swaroopa, the pancha-bhootas --

five elements -- Space or Akasha,Air or Vayu, Fire or Tejas,Water or Apaand

Earth or Prithvi -- and Dasa indriyas -- bhoota tanmatrasor Pancha Tanmatras

--Sabda, Sparsa, Rupa, Rasa and Gandha -- corresponding to Pancha Jnanedriyas --

Eyes, Ears, Nose, Tongue and Skin -- Dasa indriyas -- and Pancha Karmendriyas

and their corresponding Devatas, Manas, Ahankar, Buddhi, chara and achara

kingdom, issues forth, sustains and dissolves in Him only.

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