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Simple but Powerful Secrets of Success

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Simple but Powerful Secrets of Success

By Katleho Leeuw

The following 10 simple but powerful secrets of success can


dramatically change your life for the better.


When you infuse these secrets into your life and make them part of


your daily life, you are bound to succeed in whatever you set yourself


to do.


The secrets are hereby revealed!






Follow your passion.

Passion is a strong feeling of excitement about something or someone.


If for example you are passionate about your job you tend to do it


better than anyone else. You add your own flavor or signature and


others are bound to notice. Successful people all over the world, in


all industries and all types of sports or arts have managed to find


their passion. In so doing they tend to rise above ordinary achievers.

Do yourself a favor by striking conversation with anyone that you


consider to be successful. Direct your conversation to what they do.


You will feel the positive energy when they start telling you about


what they do. This positive energy is fueled by passion.


Use you talent or talents.

Every one of us has at least one thing that they can do better than


anyone else in the whole universe. Like our finger prints we are all


unique in one way or the other. Successful people have managed to


identify their unique talent or talents. They use their talents not


only to advance themselves but also to provide service to humanity.

Some people are fortunate to have managed to identify their talents


earlier in their lives. Some do manage to find their talents in their


senior years. Irrespective, it is never too late to identify your


unique talent and use it to benefit yourself, your family, you


community and everyone else.



Find your niche.

You have to offer your clients, recipients or consumers of your


services something unique. Copying or imitating someone else it has


never been a good strategy. After all you will never be able to


comprehensively understand and implement other people's ideas without


them revealing their secrets to you.

When you persist on the road of imitation you are not only cheating


yourself but you may get hurt in the long run. By the way imitators


live other people dreams and successful people bring their own flavor


to the market.



Habitually think positive thoughts.

Nothing positive will come out a mind full of negative thoughts. If


you continuously think of failure, you bound to find it at your


doorstep. Put yourself in a state where your mind is full of positive



Successful people are the most positive people you can ever come


across. Their positive outlook is not only confined in what they do,


they have a general positive outlook in politics, economy,


relationships and so forth.



Know what you want.

Get into the mode of setting your own goals. Know exactly where you


are going, how you going to get there and when are you going to get


there. Your goals must be SMARTE i.e. Simple - Measurable - Achievable


- Realistic - Time based - Exciting.

Just like successful people, get into the habit of setting SMARTE


goals and you will be amazed at what you can achieve.



Take action.

It is commendable to have plans, " smarte " goals and dreams but if you


are lazy to act, you are going nowhere. You have get out there and


make things happen if you want your life to change for the better.


However before acting you must have a clearly defined plan. Without a


plan your action will yield nothing desirable to you.

Successful people work smart, follow their dream and are guided by


their goals. Some of them work long hours, but that is only because


they enjoy what they do.



Be persistent.

History is littered with intelligent, talented and highly educated


people who amounted to nothing. Most of these people came up with


brilliant ideas or were involved in ventures that could have


revolutionized our history. Their only downfall is lack of


persistence; they gave up too easily, too soon.

The world over, successful people are persistent. It is easy too see


why. They are passionate, they operate within their niche and they use


their unique talents well.



Have integrity.

Integrity is the most important character or trait of successful


people. You have to be honest, upfront and upright in your dealings.


In this way you live with clean conscience. Successful people have


mastered the art of communicating their vision well to others, e.g.


employees, financiers, customers or family members. They have done so


because they have realized that in order to succeed others have to buy


into their vision.

Learn the art of communication. Experts tell us that communication


consist of 7% words, 38% tone of our voice and 55% body language.


Learn to hear, see, understand and use all components of communication


to your advantage.



Continuously improve yourself.

Life long learning is the key. The biggest challenge of our times is


not literacy or the ability to count, but is the ability to learn,


unlearn and re-learn always. To stay on top of your game, you have to


consciously improve yourself in order to stay abreast of the changes


in your operational area.

Successful people can foresee change in their niche long before


ordinary people experience that change. In this way they manage to


plan and benefit from changing conditions in their niche.

5:05 PM 9/8/2009

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