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Whereas the other ( Subtle body) is previous body, is there, background

..........To differentiate between three and inderstand carefully, the physical

body is called the gross body or 'Sthula' , whereas the other body is called the

subtle body or etheric body . In homeopathy, it is called the vital body . In

Yoga ''Annamayakosam '' . I will speak of them a little later in a separate

lesson . We have a body called the etheric body, which is more reasoned than the

physical body . Just as the physical body has bones , muscles and nerves, the

subtle also has its bones, its muscles and its nerves . if the modern science is

ignorant of this , it is no excuse . We need not feel ashamed . The modern

scientist can keep quiet untill he understands it and wait until he proves it .

He can proceed further . We have no obligation with the materialist -science,

because this is middle age, going from materialism into finer forces . We can't

wait for those who worship

corpses i.e ., the materialists.

Just as we have blood vessels and nerves in the physical body , similarly there

are what are called nerves in the etheric body . How do they exist ? Nadis exist

in the form of lines of force . These get stabilised . These lines give the

shape and the structure of the physical body. You can ask how ? If you take an

example, you will find how the etheric body produces the physical body , if the

Nadis having different physical functions . You take an example pf paraffin wax

or green wax melted . Produce some lines on its surface, when it is getting

cooled . As the wax gets cooled, these lines become true on the physical plane

and gives a shape to the wax .So compare the physical body with the frozen wax

and etheric body with the melted wax . Now you can understand the whole thing .

The plan or the structure is constant and it is printed . Thus we have lines of

forces preserved on the etheric body . These are called Nadis .

Mind is not brain . Brain is the seat of mind . Brain is physical, mind is supra

-physical . Now what is the conclusion ? The shape and the structure will be in

the mind , it is produced in the vital body and whole thing precipitates into

the form of physical vehicle . So in three stages , it comes down. That's why

wehave three architects among the Devas who produce this , in the puranas . On

the highest plane, it is (i.e., mental and supra-mental planes ) called Viswa

Karma i.e., the shape-consciousness of the embryo . On the vital plane,he is

called ''Twasta'' . On the physical plane, heis called ''Maya of

Mayasura''.Viswakarma is the Goldsmith among the Devas . He iscalled the first

artificer of metals , in Freemasonry , the members of which do not know anything

of it .He is called , Tubercune , the first artificer of the metals .Twasta is

called the Carpenter, symbolic of Joseph, the Carpenter , the father of

Sun-god.These are all symbolic terms .

The third is Maya . This Giant built the whole buildng down to the five

brotherrs in the Mahabharata story . Five brothers ,means the five sense-organs

..So Mayasura brings a wonderful building called ''Mayasabha''. Now let us not go

further in the story,because this is an ocean -like subject .Welcome to the


to be continued....










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