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How do we deal with an independent subject ? Now we deal with Nadis . In the

Yoga science , we hear much a Nadis . We have this technical term used in Mantra

science and then science of Tantra , the science of Ayurveda and the science of

Yoga . It is said there are many Nadis in our body. We hear mainly in Yoga about

three Nadis .What are they ? Ida, Pingala and Sushumna . Actyally what are they

and where are they ?If  we go to Anatomy theatre, he says. ‘’There is

neither Ida nor Pingala . It is all your insanity ‘’. That is what he says .

He also says , ‘’ There are no chakras in the spinal column .When we cut the

spinal column open , no wheels or the chariots are found there ‘’ . But we

have to learn their existence from Masters .


Some people translated the word Nadis into English as nerves . In Ayurveda also

, they translated it as nerves . They  commented that the ancients had no idea

of the number of nerves . They commented in such a way because they don’t find

all the nerves enumerated in these books in Ayurveda . The first mistake was to

translate the word as nerves . The second mistake was to pass a dirty comment

that the ancients did not know about nerves . So they did two dirty things.


Do you understand if the physics professor says that the magnet has lines of

force ? Then you can ask him if  we dissect the magnet in the anatomy theatre ,

we don’t find lines of force . Then the fool should keep quite . Lines of

forces are not physical . So too, Nadis are not physical . So this should first

be understood that Nadis are not physical . But do you deny the existence of

lines of force in a magnet ? You will be given two slaps on your cheek . The

same way, about the lines and so you know that there are lines of force, not

only in magnet , everywhere, in electricity . There are lines of force , what

are called vibrations in electronics. Then what are the Nadis ? When a cup of

water is there, and a flame is here, after a few minutes, the cup of water

becomes warm of heated . What is it that is traveling through the space between

flame and the beaker of water ? This is called heat. We accept it . Can you show

in the Anatomy theatre the heat

between the flame and the glass ? You can prove that there is heat, you feel

the heat, you cannot show that there is heat. So all these things are called

vibrations and lines of force . They cannot be seen by the naked eye. They do

not exist on the physical plane and influence it . Nadis also are if the same

type . Energy –force travels through space from known to unknown . For example

, anger , joy , jealousy , sorrow etc . If a person is sorrowful there , I feel

sorrowful . If a person listens to his word, the meaning of word is translated

into the sound . Sound is tanslated into vibrations . Vibrations travel through

space and they reach the ear drums . They are again translated into sound . They

are again translated into syllables. They are again translated into words , then

sentences , then hearing , then insult and then anger . Is this believable ? It

is more conceivable and incredible work and unfortrnately. It is true and nobody

can deny . If

anybody denies , he deserves to be called a dunce , a fool . For this , we want

an apparatus which can conduct these functions . Unless you have a supra –

physical laboratory in us . you cannot find energy through space , from man to

man in the form of conversation . So it is not possible through the physical

body to conduct these functions, unless there is some supra-physical mechanism .

For example , a thought form a line of force in the mind and the word carries if

from person to person . It is called ‘’thought-form’’ . And energy

follows thought . Djwalkal has said these sentences . One of the initiating

sentences of Djwalkul is ‘’ Energy follows thought ‘’ . It is a sentence

to be meditated one or two decades, before we totally understand it.


Thus we have a body different from the physical body . Where does that body

exist ? The subtle body . Exactly in the same place where this (physical body )

is . How is it possible ?   It is possible that the garment is there and cloth

is also there . Cloth exists and garment also exist . The word  ‘shirt ‘

has no real meaning -  no existence ,. It is the name given by us when we cut

the cloth in a particular way . So it is false . What is true is the cloth and

not the shirt . I n the same way , the physical world has no existence except

our proposals . I t has its background existences , just as the shirt has the

cloth, as its background , Not only shirt and cloth, but also cloth and fibre .

So three things are there in one . Not only fibre , there is the cotton in the

fibre . So there is cotton , fibre, cloth and shirt . So the last item, shirt is

false or a myth . This is what we have accepted . The other three are a little

bit  more true .

Just like that , our physical body is so .


Whereas the other ( Subtle body) is previous body, is there, background

..........To differentiate between three and inderstand carefully, the physical

body is called the gross body or 'Sthula' , whereas the other body is called the

subtle body or etheric body . In homeopathy, it is called the vital body . In

Yoga ''Annamayakosam '' . I will speak of them a little later in a separate

lesson . We have a body called the etheric body, which is more reasoned than the

physical body . Just as the physical body has bones , muscles and nerves, the

subtle also has its bones, its muscles and its nerves . if the modern science is

ignorant of this , it is no excuse . We need not feel ashamed . The modern

scientist can keep quiet untill he understands it and wait until he proves it .

He can proceed further . We have no obligation with the materialist -science,

because this is middle age, going from materialism into finer forces . We can't

wait for those who worship

corpses i.e ., the materialists.

Just as we have blood vessels and nerves in the physical body , similarly there

are what are called nerves in the etheric body . How do they exist ? Nadis exist

in the form of lines of force . These get stabilised . These lines give the

shape and the structure of the physical body. You can ask how ? If you take an

example, you will find how the etheric body produces the physical body , if the

Nadis having different physical functions . You take an example pf paraffin wax

or green wax melted . Produce some lines on its surface, when it is getting

cooled . As the wax gets cooled, these lines become true on the physical plane

and gives a shape to the wax .So compare the physical body with the frozen wax

and etheric body with the melted wax . Now you can understand the whole thing .

The plan or the structure is constant and it is printed . Thus we have lines of

forces preserved on the etheric body . These are called Nadis .


Mind is not brain . Brain is the seat of mind . Brain is physical, mind is supra

-physical . Now what is the conclusion ? The shape and the structure will be in

the mind , it is produced in the vital body and whole thing precipitates into

the form of physical vehicle . So in three stages , it comes down. That's why

wehave three architects among the Devas who produce this , in the puranas . On

the highest plane, it is (i.e., mental and supra-mental planes ) called Viswa

Karma i.e., the shape-consciousness of the embryo . On the vital plane,he is

called ''Twasta'' . On the physical plane, heis called ''Maya of

Mayasura''.Viswakarma is the Goldsmith among the Devas . He iscalled the first

artificer of metals , in Freemasonry , the members of which do not know anything

of it .He is called , Tubercune , the first artificer of the metals .Twasta is

called the Carpenter, symbolic of Joseph, the Carpenter , the father of

Sun-god.These are all symbolic terms .

The third is Maya . This Giant built the whole buildng down to the five

brotherrs in the Mahabharata story . Five brothers ,means the five sense-organs

..So Mayasura brings a wonderful building called ''Mayasabha''. Now let us not go

further in the story,because this is an ocean -like subject .Welcome to the



In the Mahabharata, from where has this fellow brought it to the physical ? The

Giant – god just has brought the material from a lake called ‘’

(Bindu-Saram). Bindu means a drop ----- a drop of seminal fluid . From that

lake, he brought all this building throught reproduction . This is the third or

the lowest state of the drama.


There is the second layer, which has nothing to do with sex act . There is a

first layer which is essentially divine . So it reflects upon the second on the

emotional plane . It reflects upon the third or the physical plane which is

called sex and then the vehicle is produced . This is only a sample or an

example of how to apply the basic principles of symbolism to the scriptures .

First of all, remember that  the Nadis are not at all nerves . Nadis are not at

all nerves or nervous system . How many Nadis  are there ? Now you please

remember these words . Nadis are the lines of force, that are produced to shape

and the frame of this body .Some of them solidify later into nerves . Some 

remain Nadis life-long on the vital plane.


When you want to move some part , it is these  Nadis that first move before 

the nerves move , when the mind directs. So they are voluntary . Then only the 

nerves begin to move . Then the second category are obedient to us to some 

extent, but not at all to a greater extent . For example , the respiratory

system ----the Nadis of the respiratory system. For  a few moments , you can

check the respiration or control the respiration in the name of nasty Pranayama

.. And afterwards you cannot . So they are semi – voluntary . There are many

centres like that . And then involuntary . For example, the heart –beat . Thus

there are only three types. Higher functions are conducted by involuntary Nadis

..So also muscle and nerve movements . Suppose we are sleeping . The food is

getting digested, suppose when an insect is crawling upon our hand while

sleeping, then we automatically do it like that . (Master demonstrated with his

hand ). It is not voluntary .

The first category work to conduct the function of muscle and other movements

and also to produce sound sense and colour sense also . So number and shape

–sense also . There area  all involuntary . I told you , explained you ,

previously that number consciousness is automatic and it has nothing to do with

our teaching or learning number. I tell you, for example, one child is given two

chocolates and other child is given ten chocolates .

The first child gets wild and the second child gets mild. (Laugh) So number

consciousness is different from learning number . We have thirty two teeth . It

proves that the embryo has number – consciousness called ‘Kapila’  I told

you previously.


How many Nadis are there in us ? You know humanbody . Even  this single point

is difficult . Therefore we cannot know everything in this work . So let  us

confine it to the number of Nadis in the humanbody . It is said there are 3,300

Nadis in all , in the human body.A group of ten Nadis is governed by an

intelligence in nture . These intelligences of nature are called

‘’Devas’’ . Mainly there are thirty two Devas in every constitution .

Every Deva governs hundred Nadis in group of ten . He divides his hundred Nadis

into ten and entrusts to minor-Devas who work . Let us try to undetstand how

many are very important  among these three thousand three hundred .It is said

in Tantra sastra,Mantra sastra and Ayurveda that one thousand and one Nadis are

the foremost . They are prominent. Out of them one thousand and one are

important. Out of them, again three hundred aremore important, out of them,

thirty Nadis govern the whole function of the three

hundred .And among them, three stand as leadets.They arecalled Ida,Pingala

andSushumna . Ida vibrates towards the left of the vertebral columan,It vibrates

along the left side, along the vertebral column . .Pingala towards the right

side .So look here suppose here is your head . And this is the vertvral column,

spinal column , towards the(left) , suppose you stand like this, why you –you

call me – I stand like this . So towards the left , there is ‘’Ida

‘’. Towards the right, there is ‘’Pingala ‘’ . Within the central

bore of the vertevral column vibrates Sushumna . Sushumna vibrates with in the

central bore of the vertebral column . So this is the introduction for  Yogic

Anatomy . These three have no nerves on the physical plane .Ida is also called

Chandra Nadi . which means the  ‘Lunar Nadi’ .Chandra means Lunar .And the

next one ‘Pingala’  is called Chandra Nadi . which means the Solar Nadi. 

Sushumna is called ‘

Agni Nadi or the ‘Nadi of fire ‘ . The first two have no physical

vehicles.There is only a functioning in the area given . Just as the mind cannot

be seen . so also Ida or ‘Pingala’  cannot be seen. Just as the mind cannot

be screened in x-ray on photo , so also  Ida or Pingala are the same . Just as

mind is working, Ida and Pingala are also working .No materialist can dare say

that there is no mind . We have what is called intelligence . No materialist

cansay we have no intelligence, simply because physically you cannot find it .

We can’t find Buddhi any where in the body. It never means it doesn’t exist

.. If any body says is no ‘Buddhi’ ,his statement becomes true confined to



To be continued….










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