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How my mother found the Holy Mother

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How my mother found the Holy Mother

Posted by: " u_chakrabarty_99 "


This story is about a perfect village bumpkin but a very special one; an

illiterate, simple, superstitious, docile, stupid, frightened woman but who

perhaps proved the truth of old Sanskrit saying sa chaturi chaturi " , as often

said by our beloved Thakur which means " that is the intelligence by which one

achieves the highest goal of human life " .


The stage is set in the background of rural Bengal before 1911 when Calcutta was

still the capital of British India. The village was located in Khulna in

erstwhile East Bengal & #65533; now Bangladesh.


Calcutta was endowed with the latest technology most of which the seemed

miraculous to the village rustics and those who had seen them used to describe

them in their own peculiar ways. In this story, it is about photography. A brief

digression but it is significant to note that our dear Thakur learnt how camera

works when Srimat Surendra Nath Mitra took him to a studio in 1881. He was told

that light reacts with silver nitrite on the glass plate which makes thelasting

impression. In Christopher Isherwood's language Later on He drew upon the

knowledge He had acquired to illustrate His teachings. In our story, it was said

that in Calcutta one can see the deceased which actually meant that one can see

the dead person by seeing the dead persons photograph. The lady we are talking

about did not know about photography & #65533; she used to think that the dead

person can actually be seen in flesh and blood if one went to Calcutta.

I believe that the Hindu scriptures recommend ablution when something is

separated from the physical body under certain conditions like nativity,

shaving, toileting etc. and what can be more purifying than a dip in the Ganges.

Child birth was one such event which required purification by a holy dip in

Ganges. People used to come to Calcutta to bathe in Ganges.


This lady had lost her mother when she was a child and used to visit the

cremation ground and cry. Her longing for her dead mother was so intense at

times that she would think her late mother was waving at her to come when tree

leaves or branches shook. Apparently she became an introvert. She used to make

idols of Gods and Goddesses. Her father perhaps felt her pain and was very

affectionate towards her. This style of life soon came to an early end as she

got married at a very young age. Her mother-in-law, though actually liked her

for her qualities and praised her behind her back, did not show her the

affection. On the contrary, perhaps to show her authority, talked about

punishing her for being uncouth and commented accusingly that she did not have

education or initiation (in Bengali Sikhsa Dikhsa is a colloquial expression to

mean formal training). This is how she was always afraid of some sort of torture

associated with initiation.

She always had the desire to visit Calcutta and meet her late mother. Ultimately

her desire was fulfilled much beyond her expectation and perception when she

visited Calcutta at the age of 16 years and a mother of a 3 month old son. Now,

the requirement of bathing in Ganges also became one of the agenda. You can

visualize her as a small girl thin, dark skinned wearing a cotton sari with a

long veil covering her face and carrying a baby in her arms, somewhat similar to

our Holy Mother.


Her name is Indubala Ghosh, her husband's name is Jatindranath Ghosh. This story

is written by their daughter Mala Ghosh and printed in September 2009 issue of

Udbodhan. I am so deeply touched by this story that I felt that Thakur's

devotees who can not read Bengali should have the opportunity to read this

story. However, my narration is not as good as the original Bengali story mainly

due to my limited English.


Jatindranath received initiation from the Holy Mother while She was staying at

Balarambabu's house in Orissa. He was posted in Shilong, a town in the north

east India. Later on he was transferred to Ranchi in east India where he lived

in the company of colleagues and friends who like him had also received

initiation from the Holy Mother and were closely associated with Belur Mutt.


It was during her trip from Khulna to Ranchi via Calcutta when Indubala received

her initiation from the Holy Mother who was then living at Udbodhan – popularly

known as Mother's house. It was held in the same room where the Holy Mother used

to perform Her puja.

Her mother-in-law was with traveling with them perhaps to look after the new

born child. Jatindranath did not reveal his plan to get Indubala initiated by

the Holy Mother either to his mother or to Indubala. They had put up at one of

his friend's place in Calcutta. He only informed his mother that he was taking

Indubala for taking a holy dip at the Ganges. His mother was happy with the

proposal of purifying ablution after nativity and offered to look after the

baby. Indubala left with Jatindra for Ganges early in the morning without a

second set of clothes. After she bathed Jatindranath started walking towards

Udbodhan. Indubala made out that they were not following the same route as they

came before and asked by Jatindranath as to where was he heading. Jatindranath

simply replied " to the Mother " . Indubala then realized that she was in Calcutta

where one can see the dead. The prospect of meeting her mother made her happy

and soon they reached Udbodhan where a monk in ochre robe was seen brushing

teeth with a twig. Those who know Rev. Swami Saradanandaji Maharaj would know

that this monk was no one else because He was Holy Mother's gate keeper at

Udbodhan. Of course Indubala did not know who he was etc. Jatindranath spoke

with Rev. Swami Saradanandaji Maharj in low voice and the latter pointed to the

floor above. Jatindranath asked Indubala to climb up the stairs to first floor

but did not come with her.


Upstairs she met a lady who in a rough tone asked Indubala as to where she was

coming from. This lady played a significant role in the divine drama of Thakur

and Holy Mother. She was Golap Ma, the cantankerous and tactless lady who played

the role of Mary in Thakur's life, blessed by Thakur and lived with the Holy

Mother. Indubala was perplexed. She did tell the name of the village she lived

in but did not know how to describe the location of her village to someone who

did not know the area. The next question was if she had become a mother to which

Indubala responded yes hoping that by being a mother she would enjoy some

benefit. Golap Ma scolded her " You are already a mother and still you have come

for initiation? " The word " initiation " reminded Indubala of her mother-in-law's

comment about her lack of education and initiation and the associated torture

scared her.


Just then Indubala heard a kind voice from inside a room she was standing not

very far from but did not find anyone. " Golap, why do you treat everyone so

rudely? They are my children, send them in. Can't you see that she is as simple

as a wild bird. Only the simple ones come here " . Indubala felt a bit relieved.

She realized that she indeed has been like a wild bird looking for her mother in

the wilderness of the world. Golap ma then allowed her to enter the room. Golap

ma must have by then realized that the Holy Mother must have been expecting this

girl that she said to herself in a low tone " That is why I was wondering as to

why did the Holy Mother did not come out although She finished her daily worship

long ago " . Indubala, who did not know the Holy Mother or Thakur later narrated

the following to her daughter Mala Ghosh: Although the prospect of seeing my

late mother made me happy I had some sort of fear and my heart was pounding. I

slowly came near the door I was told to go to which was ajar and saw Holy Mother

gesturing me to come in. As I entered the room I found a floor mat spread on the

left of Holy Mother. She said " I knew that you would come " . With these kind and

soothing words said by the kind personality of Holy Mother, I did not feel

scared any more. She seemed to me my own mother. I was no longer afraid of

initiation. I went and sat on the floor mat on Her left. She showed me the

photographs of Gods and Goddesses and asked me as to I like most. I was unable

to make up my mind as to which one was my favorite and I had not seen Thakur's

photo before. She said " alright, alright, leave it, let me choose for you " . She

gave me the Mantra, showed me how to repeat the same and asked me if I would

remember the mantra. Then She asked me to give Her Dakhsina which I knew nothing

about. She only gave me a piece of Haritaki (terminalia Chebula) fruit and asked

me to place it on Her hand. The Holy Mother on her own went on saying so many

things in a low voice of some of which I remember " .. my present life and next

life… " . I gave the fruit in Her hand which She accepted and kept it away.


After completion of initiation Indubala and Holy Mother came out. Holy Mother

dried Indubala's wet hair with Her own cloth and gave Indubala a dry cloth to

wear but Indubala was too embarrassed to wear that. By then the wet cloth

Indubala was wearing became quite dry. Holy Mother advised her to change lest

Indubala catches cold which would affect the baby she was nursing. Radhu, Holy

Mother's niece was happy to handle Indubala's long and dense hair.


Jatindranath presently came with some fruits, flowers and sweets for offering.

Holy Mother sat down to accept his offering. Indubala also sat down.

Jatindranath uttered some mantras and worshipped Holy Mother's feet. Indubala

also wanted to do the same but did not know the mantras. To this Holy Mother

said " Whatever I gave you is sufficient " . Jatindranath had brought both white

and yellow flowers. Holy Mother promptly picked up the yellow flowers and said

" How beautiful " . To that Jatindranath said " These are all but your creation " .

Holy Mother was smiling. She said " I like yellow flowers – put them on my left

foot and Thakur loves white flowers, place them on my right foot " . Jatindranath

did accordingly. Holy Mother blessed him and he went downstairs.


Presently lunch was served. Holy Mother touched a handful of rice mixed with

ghee to Her mouth and gave it to Indubala to eat. This She did three times.

Golap Ma cautioned Indubala not to touch Holy Mother. However, Holy Mother asked

Golap ma not to rebuke Indubala and affirmed that Indubala was Her own child.

Indubala was feeling happy that Holy Mother did not support Golap ma. After

lunch was over Holy Mother took Indubala to the wash hand basin and after

washing her own hands, poured water for Indubala to wash her hands. To this also

Golap ma made an adverse comment accusing Indubala for taking Holy Mother's

service instead of serving Her. Holy Mother said " It does not matter " .


Back to the room Holy Mother gave a betel leaf to Indubala and almost forced her

to take it although Indubala was not used to eating betel leaf. Holy Mother said

that one should eat betel leaf after food. Then Holy Mother spread some rags on

the floor and asked Indubala to lie down next to Her. Indubala was not used to

siesta. But still Holy Mother made her lie down next to Her. She noticed some

jewelry on Indubala and said that once She too used to wear the same.


The process of initiation got over without much trouble. Indubala was actually

waiting for an opportunity to be able to be alone with Holy Mother so that she

could confirm as to whether or not She was her own mother. Now she got the

opportunity. She grabbed Holy Mother and asked Her point blank " Mother, tell me

truthfully if you are really that mother of mine who died " . Holy Mother

affectionately touched Indubala's chin and confirmed " yes, I am that mother of

yours. " Indubala then asked " Why then did you not come to grand parents place? " .

Holy Mother told her " How does it matter anymore - now that you have come to

me " . Mala Ghosh did not say as to what Indubala made of this answer. Ther are

two possible situations; either the pain she had for losing her mother did not

exist any more that she too found it unnecessary to further delve into the

matter or she actually believed that the Holy Mother was her biological mother.


Holy Mother was highly impressed by Indubala's simplicity; God is said to like

simplicity. It is significant to note that Holy Mother did not try to give any

confusing reply but confirmed Her Motherhood. Her love was so intense that

Indubala throughout her life really believed that Holy Mother was her biological

mother which was apparent in her subsequent behavior. Indubala may not have had

the knowledge that no instrument can bring back the dead but it did not matter

anymore because she already found her mother.


Before leaving atindranath and Indubala touched Holy Mother's feet. Holy Mother

blessed them and enquired if Indubala remembered the mantra. Although Indubala

said that she remembered the mantra, Holy Mother still whispered it once again

in Indubala's ears. She climbed down the stairs along with Indubala and saw them


Jai Ma

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