Guest guest Posted October 17, 2009 Report Share Posted October 17, 2009                                         \     SIX CHAKRAS  Now we speak something about the six chakras and the seventh .(Master in here demonstrating).This is the cerebrospinal channel .As a symbol of changes to be brought about in this, a stick namely yoga-danda is prepared with wood . However , just because we have this stick with us , it is no guarantee that we will have spiritual progress. Some misrepresent the habits of the ancient Rishis .. They thought that these Rishis grew hair, whiskers, beard etc., but it is not true . Manu orders that we should have a close cut of hair , whiskers, beard and mustache and nails . The Rishis are having all these things that is only in the cinemas. Not correct . In fact, they used to live a clean life . Manu says, ‘’Kliptha kesa nakha smasruhu ‘’, kasha means hair , nakha means nails , smasruhu means mustache etc . ‘Kliptha’ means all these things should be close cut . That’s why in the ancient days, on every New moon and Full Moon day, they used to have a cut .Prohibition of hair cut on New Moon is not Indian tradition . From the time of Alexanders’s invasion to India, some of the foolish Greek customs have come to India and intermingled with the ancient customs and their was every confusion for sometime .It is said that if the birth –star are not good, after the child is born, the father should not see the face of the child before he sees the image of the child in oil . This is the custom now in India, but not at all the Indian custom. It was the custom form the land of Yunan, that is Alexander’s land . Axtually, before the navel or ‘’umbilicus ‘’ is cut off, after the birth of a child the father should perform the ritual called ‘Jata-Karma’. The father should see the face of the child and touch his head ..There are some ‘Mantras’ to be recited at this time.  Vertebral column has six centres on it . These centres are called the Chakras .. If we observe from the bottom to the top, the first is called “Muladhara’ of Base Centre or ‘Base Chakra’ .(When some body asked Master some question, Master said , ‘’let us see regular things first and then irregular things .) What is the second of the chakras ? ‘Swadhisthana’ , the second is called ‘Swadhisthana Chakram’ . Spleen Centre . It is called the Spleen Centre ,.The third is called ‘Manipuraka’ Chakram . It is called the Navel Centre of Solar Plexus . Then the fourth is ‘Anahatha ‘ . It is called heart –centre. The fifth is Visuddhi Chakram .This is called throat centre .(Master demonstrated with regard to the sixth centre and said).This is the Brow-centre  .In English , some authors have tansalated as Agna . It is wrong . It should not be translated as ‘G’. It should be ‘J’ . The next one is called Head –Centre or ‘Sahasrara’ with out Sahasrara, the other six are called the Shat Chakra or Six chakras, centres .Physically, the Chakras will not be there . We find no wheels in the vertebral column. With beautiful colours in the pictures in the books, you will see, there are colour plates .Don’t think , the plates will be there, here unless the doctor surgically operates long ago and inserts a plate .They are like the stations in the journey of the Kundalini .. Kundalini menas your power and your consciousness and Yourself.There are three aspects, your power, your consciousness and yourself. There are three aspects, your power, your consciousness and yourself and there . Power and consciousness these two put together are called nature ,it is called the Mother –Goddess or the Mother .And the next one ,your self. When conditioned by all these things, it is called  Jiva or the living being. Taken pure, it is called Siva.Thus there are six Chakras. When these six Chakras will be there in the narrow hole—bore called Sushumna,they will be like little points, only points where from energy is emanated, not even points on the physical plane .They are only points that emanate energy,they are not even points on the point on the physical plane . If  you take a magnet , the whole things is chemically the same metal .But here and here, it attract and repels. Here there is neither attraction nor repulsion . (Master here has demonstrated).On the plane of energies, you have energy-centres on the magnet . On the plane of matter, it is everything the same .The whole magnet is same you can’t find better iron here and worse iron here . Chemically, the same.The whole magnet is same you can’t find better iron here and worse iron here. Chemically, the same metal .So undetstand your vertebral column as ametal with sixpoles . So physically, there are no Chakra. But these are centres.Thus you  can call them energy- centres and centres of consciousness . You can say, energy and consciousness put together—one capsule’ S’.They can be called ‘S’ Centres . The tota; is called the nature in various awakening . So it is all the splendour of nature . Various energy Centres will be carrying nature’s awakenings.  COURTESY-MASTER E.K  Regards Bharathi.A Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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