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Few Follies Committed By Few People In Ramana Ashramam

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16th December, 1949


Some time in 1942-43, Sri Jagadeeswara Sastri’s son who was studying in the

Vedapatasala in Madurai, came here during the holidays. Being young, he had

tresses of hair hanging down to the shoulders. May be he wanted to appear

fashionable. As soon as he came into the hall and got up after prostrating,

Bhagavan said, “Oh, is that you? When I saw your hair style, I thought it

was somebody else. Oh! My! How you look! Who would believe that you are the

son of Jagadeeswara Sastri?” The boy was so ashamed, that he came to the

hall next day with only a small tuft of hair behind.Noticing it, Bhagavan

said, “Yes. That is right. Will not people criticise adversely if

Jagadeeswara Sastri’s son, a bachelor living in a Gurukula (the house of a

Guru), has an unbecoming hair style?”


In 1943, Gurram Subbaramayya Garu came here with his daughter of five or six

years of age. As you know, she had no mother. Noticing that she had a plait

of hair on either side of her head, Bhagavan remarked, “What child! Only two

plaits? Why not have two more in front and two in the centre of the head?”

So saying Bhagavan laughed.Bhagavan had passed similar remarks before

whenever he saw other children dressed up like this. Now this child felt

ashamed, came to me,got her hair done into a single plait and went to

Bhagavan.Smiling at it and saying it was good, Bhagavan told her father,

“Look, European ladies who come here, wear sarees, tie their hair in a plait

and put some flowers in it and thus try to appear like our ladies, while our

people try to adopt their style. What to do?”


Sometime in 1943-44, a European by name Mr. McIver used to live here; on a

Dipavali day, he wore a Salem silkbordered dhoti in the orthodox style,

covered the upper

portion of his body with a similar cloth, prostrated before Bhagavan, put on

his forehead holy ashes and kumkum, went out of the hall and sat there with

closed eyes in padmasana style. Bhagavan began smiling to himself, looking

at him through the window. Meanwhile Rajagopala Iyer came into the hall,

whereupon Bhagavan, laughing loudly, exclaimed, “Look at that. McIver Sastri

has come here. There he is,sitting over there. Really, if anyone were to see

him now,could they say he was not a Sastri? While all of you put on suits

and boots, instead of wearing dhoties, he dressed himself up like a Sastri.

The only thing that is wanting now is the sacred thread. As our people are

discarding even that, there is no difficulty even on that score now. Look at



Whenever Bhagavan speaks to native Indians, he normally talks to them in

their own language, namely Tamil,Telugu or Malayalam, but never in English.

Even though they know this, some of our young men put their questions to

Bhagavan in English. Sometimes, there will be nobody to translate or the

translation will be found difficult. If on such occasions, we enquire why

those people could not put their questions in their own language, Bhagavan

would say, “You want to know why they ask me in English? That is because

they want to test Bhagavan. They have gained some knowledge of the English

language. Should not all people know about it? Not only that, they sincerely

believe that their language is no good for such an important matter. The

infatuation for that language makes them feel like that. Poor people!What

can they do?”


Source: Letters from Sri Ramanasramam VOLUMES I, II & Letters from and

Recollections of Sri Ramanasramam By SURI NAGAMMA Translated by D. S. SASTRI



Om Namo Bhagavate Sri Ramanaya

Prasanth Jalasutram


Love And Love Alone




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