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The base centre  or Muladhara governs the activity of the physical matter of

our body and its bio-chemic action . The chemicals in the body are working in

different formulas and these formulas do not change. For example, the bones have

their own chemical formula, different from other tissues . The blood has its own

formula, so to manntain the consistency of this chemical laboratory, chemical

apparatus, there should be a unit of power and consciousness.It is called

Muladhara. That’s why the scientists of yoga have written that Muladhara

governs the Prithvi of our constitution, that means the earth or solid in our

body. All the tissues and minerals are kept in order by this centre-Muladhara .


The second one is Swadhisthana . When  the sun is too hot. Your body is cold.

When it is chilled, your body is hotter than normal. This proves, there is a

regulator of temperature in your body, automatic regulators which will be

thoroughly spoiled by the use of air- conditioners, air –coolers and

refrigerators. We are coming on the way of nature’s working and adjustment and

so the system goes to dearth after some time. Especially, 80% of the heart

attacks are due to air – coolers and air – conditioners and such other

things. But they go suddenly from heat to cold, from cold to heat with out

adjustment. So the whole vascular system i.e., blood vessels and the heart

undergo jerks of sudden expansion and sudden contraction . Heart attack,

thrombosis, harmorrhages, chlorosis all these things are due to the use of air-

conditioners and air-coolers . (Some one asked whether the centres would get

damaged. Master clarified thus) Centres do not get

damaged .They leave the body and go away. There was a renowned Botany professor

of Andhra University who got retired, by name Sri Jillellamudi Venkateswara Rao

.. He was coming from Nagapur in mid – summer . It was too hot. The compartment

had air – coolers of a very nasty type . He got down suddenly at the

Visakhapatnam platform . It was too hot outside. For the past about twenty hours

, he was in the air – cooling compartment. The moment he got down , he got a

pain here . (in the heart region). Immediately he called a ricksaw and asked him

to take to the hospital . And there he died, without going  home. All such

things are due to these things like the use of air – cooler etc. There is an

automatic adjustment of temperatures in our constitution . Suppose, I touch a

mechanic rod . It is cold  in winter and hot in summer . But in the case of our

physical body, the opposite is the working .Our body is cold in summer and hot

in winter . That is

the difference.( Someone asked Master about heating in winter . Master

clarified thus). In winter, you have to heat . But suddenly, you should not

expose to the outside cold. So  the sudden jerks are not  welcome to the heart

and blood vessels. That’s why, those who live exposed to cold and those who

are accustomed to do it, for example, the Hillman and the bushman, living long,

hale and healthy. Now there are people in certain regions who live for 150

years, 120 years and 130 years, quite healthily. In some corners of the

Himalayas and in some corners of some mountains elsewhere also, people who get

exposed, through generations, are accustomed to these things. They do not have

diseases and they don’t die of heart attacks. If we sacrifies our heart, we

can enjoy the atmosphere. That is good.That all depends upon our own choice. So

is it bad to die of a heart disease ? It is always bad to die of a mind disease

.. There are two centers working –

brain centre and heart centre. Some people have the heart centre failing .

Immediately, they die. Some people have the brain centre failing and heart

centres working . They will be on the bed . They are to be fed by people . They

live like idiots. Food is to be  given into mouth and nasal feedings is given ,

sometimes two years or three years or five years nastily . So the first

alternative should be welcome by every sensible man . The second alternative is

too nastily.


         There is one noble soul who is about ninety three years now at

Guntur . In many respects, he is my guru. He is called Dr.A.S.Chalapathi Rao,

Amancharia Sesha Chalapathi Rao, one of the advanced theosophists, under whose

direction, I was introduced into the Theosophical Lodge and many a ritualistic

temple . Every time I go to Guntur, I meet him unfailingly . Recently I went to

see him three years ago . He said , ‘’ Two months ago, I had the first

indication of a little heart attack’’. Then he was ninety. I said, Is it ? .

Then he said, ‘’ No , nothing to worry. It is welcome.there are two centres

in us.Instead of having the other centre (brain) failing,it is  better this

centre (heart) fails so that we may not be a nuisance to any one for a spilt

second ‘’. That is, what he said. Such things, many things I learnt from

him. And the latest, this fact also, I learnt from him to wish this centre

(heart) failing, not this

centre (brain)


       We have temperature regulator, for that, we have heat producing

mechanism and temperature- regulating mechanism put together .Only if such an

instrument is there in our constitution, it is possible that our body is hot in

winter  and cold in summer.Otherwise what happens ? Just like these mechanic

rods, we would have been hot in summer and cold in winter and died immediately,

such a centre exists in us . This is called Swadhisthana, the spleen centre

..Such a mechanism exists in spleen centre called Swadhisthana . So the ancient

scientist of yoga called the spleen centre, the centre of fire element, that

means heat and temperature.


   Similarly, there is a centre regulating water content in our body. This

centre is the navel centre or Manipuraka. The naval centre regulates the water

content of our constitution. Without this mechanism, what happens ? If you drink

a tumblerful of water or beer, or something, then what happens ? It goes and

accumulates in the bottle . The same  thing happens, when ever we drink water,

we would have swollen legs, or face etc. So what should we do ? We should

drink  one tumbler of water and then eat a tablet of lassix, to make us

diuritic, to make the water removed . This chakra regulates the water economy of

the constitution. When the water is insufficient in the body, this centre

produces that we call thirst and then we feel it mentally and we drink water. It

will be swelling, oedema of the feet and face, hydrocele, if this centre is

disturbed. All such things like the above will be there .Polyuriea or stoppage

and blockage of urine – all these

things will be there, when this centre is disturbed. So the  ancient

scientists called this centre  pertaining to the water element. Please be

careful about what we have described now . Muladhara governs earth. Swadhisthana

governs fire, Manipura governs water.
















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