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To pray is to aim at the target of Godhead with the arrow of intense longing,

which has the sharp end of full faith. ... Swami Chinmayananda


Suffering is a door leading to God, and prayer unlocks the door. ... Swami



We must invoke the constant grace of the Supreme to make our study of the

Upanishads fruitful. ... Swami Chinmayananda.


Worship is an act wherein the organs of perception and action, and the mind are

brought together to play at the altar of His glory. ... Swami Chinmayananda.


The way of obedience at last brings one to the door of salvation. ... Guru



Sivam, Saantam, advaitam, chaturtham manyate sa aatama sa vigneyah - The

peaceful, the blissful, the undivided is thought to be the fourth; that is the

Self. That is to be known. ... Nrisimhottarataapaniya Upanisad.


God understands you when everyone else misunderstands you. He is the Lover who

cherishes you always, no matter what your mistakes. Others give you their

affection for a while and then forsake you, but He abandons you never. In

conuntless ways God is daily seeking your love. He does not punish you if you

refuse Him, but you punish yourself. You find that all things betray thee, who

betrayest Me. Yogananda Paramahamsa


In true prayer, there is no attempt on the part of the devotee to coax,

persuade, canvas or purchase the grace of the Supreme. ... Swami Chinamayananda.


Compassion is the basis for living as a true human being. Otherwise living is

only a mechanical part of human life; this must take place and proceed as a

ground for compassion to grow, foster and flower. Only when a new movement

begins in the mind will it take the human beings to the fullness of their own

potential. This is not, of course, the occasion for discussing what that

potential will be. ... Radha Burnier


Any attempt to tune ourselves to the Divine through remembrances of the glories

of the form and qualities of the Divine is true prayer. ... Swami Chinmayananda.


Melancholy is the language of delution; joy is the music of Truth. ... Swami



Doing good to others is not a duty. It is a joy, for it increases your own

health and happiness. ... Zoroaster


To try to discover our 'at-one'ment' with God is prayer. ... Swami Chinmayananda


The mind is an object of perception like the external world. The Atman, the real

seer, remains unknown. ... Patanjali


Prayer has strength, unbelievable indeed, as we come to know only when we start

praying. ... Swami Chinmayananda


Turning our whole mind towards Him through constant contemplation of His glories

will lead us to apprehend the Reality. ... Swami Chinmayananda.


Philosophy is not opposed to religion; on the other hand, it is the lamp which

illumines the corners of religion both within and without. ... Swami Krishnanda



Daily pryer and meditation are wonderful therapeutic agents in building up peace

and happiness within an invididual. ... Swami Chinmayananda.


My personal religion is my being the Ancient, Infinite One, and the religion I

impart to all is love for God. ... Meher Baba.


If man prays in prosperity as fervently and wholeheartedly as he does in

adversity, how easily would he realise Brahman! ... Swami Chinmayananda


Every one in the world should be able to sleep without fear, at least for one

night. ... Mata Amritanandamayi Devi.


The sublime state is the natural state! It's you who is constantly in a state

that is not natural, that is not normal, that is false, a deformation. ... The



Going back to the origin is called peace; it means reversion to destiny.

Reversion to destiny is called eternity. He who knows eternity is called

enlightened. ... Lao-Tzu


Listen, my friend, there is one thing in the world that satisfies, and that is a

meeting with the Guest. ... Kabirdas.


True happiness consists not in the multitude of friends, but in the worth and

choice. ... Ben Jonson.


A dreamer dreams a dream. He sees the dream world with pleasures, pains, etc.

When he wakes up he loses all interest in the dream-world. Just as the

dream-world ceases to interest you, so also the presen world would cease to be

of interest to you if you awake from this waking dream (samsara) and realise

that it is a part of yourself, and not an objective reality. ... Sri Ramana


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