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Next, we go to Anahata . It regulates what is called Vayu in us . That is the

power to expand and contract alternatively according to the law of pulsation

that exist in cosmos. According to the law of pulsation, the solar system is

produced and the sun pulsates . So in obedience to this law of pulsation, the

planets go away from the sun and come near the sun  and they are bound by the

equilibrium. Suppose we tie string to a tumbler and put water in the tumbler .

Then we move it , around us . There is one force pusing the tumbler far from us

and another force, which draws and holds strongly the string , near to us .Thus

there are two types of forces – centri-petal and centri-fugal .The equilibrium

should be there . So what Vayu is called, it is called pulsation . It produces

pulsation here (heart).Then the heart begins to pulsate and also the lungs begin

to pulsate .(Then Master has clarified some student’s questions thus). Because

the heart

pulsates, what happens ? First, we are living and then blood is being

circulated . We are permitted in this body, because there is pulsation in the

heart and then the blood is being circulated . And because lungs undergo

pulsation, we are able to breathe . This double pulsation is called ‘Vayu’ .

There are thousands of centres in the body having Vayu,but this heart centre is

the main centre which controls all the other centres .The heart centre governs

the respiration, the heart beat and circulation .’Vayu’  is not exactly

air, but Vayu is the principle according to which air moves in space. The

accepting of gases that are required, for example, oxygen etc.,  and the

rejecting of gases , not required, for example, carbondioxide etc., that is the

function of the heart centre . The acceptance of necessary gases like oxygen and

the rejection of unnecessary gases like carbon – it belongs to the heart

centre , because the function of the lungs

and function of the heart put together they belong to the heart centre


    The Vishuddhi Chakra or the throat centre forms the passage between the

space around us and the matter of our constitution . What is the difference

between a dead body and a living being ? The corpse is in space . we are also in

space . This passage is closed in the corpse . Through this centre , prana is

supplied to the constitution . Then only, food can be accepted by the body . It

is not a fact, we are living by food . But we are able to accept food,because we

are living and then food is decomposed to extract energy as fuel . Food is only

fuel, not the driver and the engine . (Some student asked about some advanced

subject . Then Master said thus. At first, we must understand the basic

principle what you have mentioned , should not be applied now . Only after

taking in of the basics for 25, or 30years, we go to these advanced things .When

we are dealing with the present things, we must go through them only

systematically). Vishuddi chakra is

the passage between space and ourselves . What is there in space ? The content

of space. This energy never stays in the matter of the body . It enters into the

constitution through throat centre.Then it does all the functions in the

 constitution .And then, it goes away to its place in space . so it is only a

circuit of energy coming and going and energy never exists in the body.(As a

clarification to a student’s question, Master said this ).Every second, it is

entering and functioning and going out just like the electric current through

wires . Electricity cannot be called electrician. Similarly, this energy cannot

be called God . Both intelligence and energy are included in it .So this is

called intelligent energy .


  What enters into us , when we do prayer ? It is intelligent energy . It knows

how much to come , how to work and when to work and what to work . Even though

you prescribe certain things while prayer, they are not granted, what is

required to you will be granted .That is what Master C.V.V  said .Because that

is an intelligent energy, that is entering into you, it knows how much to enter

and what to do in you, whether you want it or not . Even though you desire many

things, it is not ready to do it because they are not wanted, So Master C.V.V

said “what comes to you from me when you pray, is intelligent energy, it knows

better things to God. Let me be happy, or healthy .My God !, give me my daily

bread ………At this fifty, sixty, what is the use of praying, “God, give me

my daily breadâ€. For 50,60 years, even with out praying, He is giving us .So

let us not be stupid. While Prayer, was may pray many stupid things , but they

are not granted

because need not . Thus the Vishuddi Chakra or throat centre is like a pin

arranged, to join space and us .How is the content of space called ? Akasha .

Akasha is not space, please remember.It is the content of space .(Inge,how is it

called ? It is called ether, the content of space .Space is called in Telugu

“Mahatâ€. Ether is not space . It is the content of space).


    In the space around us , three planes are working . The three planes in

us are linked up with the three planes outside . This connection between the

individual and the earth planet is due to the function of the three qualities

(inertia, dynamism and poise in nature).The laboratory in which these

connections are continuously made is what is we call the cerebrospinal mechanism

.. This is one  aspect.



to be continued.....











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