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Niraasataa nirbhayataa nityataa samataa jnataa |

Nireehataa nishkriyataa saumyataa nirvikalpataa ||

Dhritirmaitree matistushtih mridutaa mridubhaasitaa |

Heyopaadeyanirmukte jne tishthantyapavaasanam ||

Yogavaasishtharaamayaanam, Upasamaprakaranam 13.28, 29.



Non-expectation, freedom from fear, given to eternal ways, inward equanimity,

knowledge orientation, free of worldliness, free of doership, gentleness,

doubt-freeness, resoluteness, genuine friendship with one and all,

intelligential clarity, contentment, softness, softspokenness – without causing

any desire or bondage, these qualities dwell in a Knower of Truth, who has

delivered himself from the dual notions of acceptance and rejection.


Points for Introspection:

All our sufferings and miseries in life arise from our desires based on likes

and dislikes. We desire to possess or enjoy whatever we like and we desire not

to face or interact with whatever we do not like. Because of these inherent

likes and dislikes one is always agitated,

not contented. Only when one is able to transcend likes and dislikes, one will

be contented for ever, having been liberated from the bondage of desire.


A Knower of Truth is one who has transcended likes and dislikes. He remains

always contented, full of delight and not bound by any desire.

This & #347;loka enlists some of the qualities that dwell in a Knower of Truth.

What are the characteristics in him which make him ever-delightful,

ever-contented? Should not a seeker try to cultivate these qualities in himself

to reach that tranquility of mind? Our shastras say, adhyaatmashaastre

kritaarthalakshanaani yaani taanyeva saadhanaani – in spiritual science,

whatever are the qualities of the Knower, become the pursuits for the seekers.


When a seeker yearns zealously, and strives sincerely to cultivate these

qualities getting rid of worldly desires, he very naturally evolves to the state

of Knowerhood. To cultivate the qualities of a Knower, a sadhaka will have to

transcend likes and dislikes. He will have to pursue purity of mind and

intelligence and develop dispassion. In the pure mind, the Self reveals itself,

just as in a clear mirror one is able to see his face distinctly. A seeker then

experiences his own Self as different from his body-mind-intelligence complex

and experiences it as the Universal Self – the self in all, one without a

second. This is the Supreme Knowledge.


Cultivation of the qualities of a Knower grows hand-in-hand with the Knowledge

of the Self. The qualities are indispensible. When a seeker is not able to reach

his goal of realizing the Self, even after long period of s & #257;dhan & #257;, he

must understand that he has not achieved the

qualities of a Knower which is absolutely essential for the purification of the

mind, which in turn is necessary to attain the Supreme Spiritual Knowledge.


This & #347;loka is one which should be by-hearted and chanted repeatedly.

Focusing on the meaning of each word, the essence of the qualities can be

glimpsed and grasped. For example, contemplation on the word nirbhayata will

adorn the mind with fearlessness instantly. Anybody who is not soft-natured and

talks roughly or hurtingly can bring about the qualities by repeated chanting of

mridutaa and

mridubhaashitaa. So on for the other qualities. When one ruminates over the

meanings of the words, one should also introspect " how this quality can be

brought about, why I am not acquiring them " , etc.


This & #347;loka should be chanted repeatedly throughout the day. It is very

useful for one's active and interactive life, not to speak of quiet moments. As

one ruminates over and over each word, the fondness for the quality grows.

Simply because of intense fondness, the qualities become part of one's life,

making the mind placid and peaceful.

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