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Now let us know how many divisions each Chakra has . Muladhara (Base

–Centre),the first one has four divisions . It is called a flower of four

petals. The second one , Swadisthana or spleen –centre has six divisions or

six petals . As you go higher up these  these chakras. Please remember, that

you are traveling from the plane of labourers to plane of energies and the

apprentices and their Gurus and their engineers and their builders and their

creators . As you go higher up, there are creator mechanisms. As you go lower

down, there are instincts and reflectors which work only in darkness . Lower

down, there are darker forces, when intelligences are working in a dormant state

.. Higher up, there are five chakras . The third is Manipuraka . This has ten

divisions. There are ten departments . The fourth is Anahatha . There  are

twelve divisions . The fifth is Visuddhi . There are sixteen divisions in it .

They want these because they should deal with

the five states of matter, Panchabhuthas . The first one makes the solid matter

in body work, the second the fire, the third --- theliquids and the fourth the

air,breathing in and out and heart-beat etc . So unless these fellow are working

here ,with air, the element of air, what happens is , there will be a little

pinching pain in the heart and there will be no time even to take up to the

cardiology department . So there will be a squeeze . Then the fifth is with the

fifth chakra . If there are secret orders from country like Russia of America ,

these condensers and power-store houses will have a cut off by those who conduct

strikes . The whole system fails if the energies fail . Even though people eat,

they go weak and feeble and at last gradually people die . Tonics and medicines

go waste in that context ; energies come from outside . And finally in the Ajna

Chakra, there are only two divisions steering all the other . In Sahasrara, no

workers, no

labourers, no managers at all , because He lives in all these planes as His own

presence . So he has no business to work . With Himself, therse are working. He

lives like “I AM†and ‘Mine’. The whole thing is called Mine , and he

calls himself “I AM†called Siva and Sakthi, and all this capsule is called

Jiva or the indweller with his mechanism and vehicles. In Sahasrara, one who

exists in Sahasrara is both Siva and Sakthi . All these are working with in

Himself. So how many ? Fifty department in all .


This is another lesson about the six chakras .(As a clarification to

somebody’s.Master said thus).You can directly have all these things from a

book like “Saundarya Lahari†or “Shatchakra Nirupanamâ€, very much

commented and translated and explained lucidly and very wonderfully by Sir John

Woodrof and the name of the book is  “Serpent Powerâ€.Sometimes you may get

it from Adyar or if you don’t get it, you have to write to†Ganesh

Company,Pandy Bazar,Madras, Publishers and Book-seller†.If thecommentary on 

“Shatchakra Nirupanam†by Malayala Swami garu is available among the

publications, Shuka Brahmasramam, Kalahasthi, and Vyasasramam, Erpedu, chittoor

District, all these things can be found in it.(As a clarification to a

student’s query, Master replied thus).These things are not found in Sri

Bhashyam . Only Vedanta is comprehensively touched in it . In Telugu, it was

Malayala Swamiji only that strained very much to present

these things lucidly in Telugu during my boyhood days .Even now, his books are

being published, If the commentary on “Shatchakra Nirupanam†is available,

it is our fortune.


Saundarya Lahari, in original, is a very great book on this subject,but it is

higly difficult for you to understand these points in it . You have to obtain

these points from this book and note down .Volumes and volumes of commentaries

have been written on this book . But among all the available ones, the

 translation and the explanation given by Sir John Woodrof in English is the

best one . The name of this book is the  “Wave of Bliss†. There is

something in this subject in this book . On the other hand, “Serpent powerâ€

by Sir John Woodrof is a wonderful book . It contains all these things

elaborately and all the 60,000 Siddhas and 60,000 Sakthis and their arrangement

and functions are explained in that book














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