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Another aspect, a sharp aspect about this is being explained .There are six

sounds for the six chakras through which we  can enter into the consciousnesses

of the six chakras . They are as follows . For Muladhara , it is called

“LUM†. For Swadhisthana, it is “RUM†. For Manipura , it is …..No.

There is some mistakes in this book here referred by some students . Please

excuse me . For the Swadhisthana, it should be “RUM†.For the second one ,it

should be “RUM†.{He has given something wrong} . For Manipura, it should be

“VUM†For Anahata it should be “YUM†.For Visuddhi, it should be

 “HAMâ€, because through the vocal chords, the sound of exhalation is

“Ham†. And for Ajna, it is “OMâ€, For Sahasrara also, OM, please

remember, But the difference is that in Ajna , the utters “OM†. For

Sahasrara also, OM, please remember. But the difference is that in Ajna, the

utterer utters ‘OM’ and enters into it by

listening to the sound . So he utters it and  enters into it .So in the

Bhafavadgita , it is said “The sixth Chakra, they  call it Aksharam or the

Mystic sound, because they utter it and they are different from it. They want to

listen to it and enter into it . They are in that stage. “OM†will be

existing as an ice block floating upon the  mind called water , of the

practitioner . Just as water and ice block are different, the utterer and the

utterance are different in this state.(sixth state ). But finally, ice block,

when fused , it is nothing but water . No second thing remains . The something

happens only. When you reach the consciousness of Sahasrara . What is it ? They

enter into It . But in Sahasrara, he exists as “I am That†. He exists in a

state of “I am That†. That’s why the Mantram “So Ham†means “I am

That†.Djwalkul, in not less than ten of his books, says All these things I

teach you only to practice the art of

uttering “OM†and entering into it . It is only for the utterance of the

Word, that the object of  my book is envisaged . Beyond that , there is nothing

.. That is what he says . So he says that the very object of pratising all these

things is to know the art of uttering the sacred word and living as one with it

.. He calls it “At - one - momentâ€.There is no word in English .but he is

kind and he forced Alice A.Bailey to accept the word .So he could be calling

this word . But Alice A.bailey, it seems, grumbled to accept this word because

there was not such word in English . He said . “You accept it†. (Laugh by

the students).She said.â€We can’t accept†. He said, “You have to accept

it , because there is no word in English . He said “At –one –ment†for

“So Ham†.(Master referred to taking meals . So physical plane or Annamaya

kosa is as important  as other things ). Let us go to class.


To be continued













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