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Enlightening Discourse on Swami Abhedananda,Shivananda, Greatness of Chennai,Namakirtan about Kaliyuga - Part-14

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Radhe Krishna To all,


Discourse contd.....


Sri Ramakrishna, Samarta Ramdas, Papa Ramdas, Yogi Ramsuratkumar, Swami

Abhedananda, Swami Sivananda, Thiagaraja Swami, Swami Purandara dasa, Tukkaram,

Namdev, Mira bai – all did Namakirtan. What do you find when you move around

India? The Aazhwars, the Nayanmars, Bodendra, Sadguru Swami, Sridhara Ayyaval,

Kumara guruparar, Arunagirinathar, Bhagavan Ramana, Seshadri Swami, Bhadrachala

Ramdas, Purandara das, Ashta dasas (in Karnataka), Narasimha Mehta in Gujarat,

countless Panduranga Bhaktas in Maharashtra, Mira bai in Rajasthan, Swami

Haridas in Uttar Pradesh, Sri Ramakrishna, Sarada devi, Swami Vivekananda,

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu,

Rabindranath Tagore in Bengal, Guru Nanak and Guru Gobind Singh in

Punjab. Only Bharat desa gives birth to such Mahans. So pure is this land. Such

great Mahans keep coming (on this land).


Everyone says that Bhagavan Ramana speaks of Vedanta. But he has composed songs

on Lord Arunachaleswara. Arunachala pathigam, Arunachala Ashtakam, Arunachala

nava manimalai, Arunachala Akshara manamalai.


In Aksharamanamalai, Bhagavan Ramana speaks of the glory of Nama –

'Arunachalamena agame ninaippavar agatthaiye ver-aruppai, Arunachala!' (Oh,

Arunachala, thou dost root out the ego of one who thinks 'Arunachala!' in his



One should not mistake that by the words 'Arunachalam-yena agame ninaippavar'

(when one thinks 'Arunachala' in his heart) Ramana referred only to the form and

not the Name because later, he sings, 'Peyar ninaitthidave pidithizhuthanai un

perumai yaar arivaar, Arunachala!'


(Oh, Arunachala, who can know thy glory of pulling unto

thyself one who thinks of [your] Name!?). He very clearly mentions 'Name'

(peyar). 'Peyar ninaitthidave' – as soon as one thinks of the Name (and not

the form).


Bhagavan has experienced this in his own life. At Madurai, the question of 'what

is death' arose in him and through death experience his ego was annihilated.

Just as the Maharishi Katvanga attained Jnana in a moment of the snapping of

fingers, so too, did Ramana attain Jnana in a trice. Even after this experience

he continued to live at Madurai.


One day, there was a guest at home. When asked 'wherefrom he was coming' he

said, " Arunachala! " It was mere hearing the Name 'Arunachala' that brought about

a change in Ramana and this became the deciding factor in moving to Arunachala.

The Name! The result of hearing the Name. 'Peyar ninaitthidave pidithizhutthanai

un perumai yaar arivaar Arunachal'. What does 'pull' mean? If you keep doing

Namakirtan, God would come and pull you unto

Him, even if you are not willing to come! Thus, here Ramana clearly refers to

the Name. Thus, the glory of Nama has also been spoken by Bhagavan Ramana.


!!! Will Continue !!!


Guided " Hare Rama " Meditation at Redding, CA




An Announcement


On Saturday's and Sunday's you can watch the Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara

Swamiji discourses on VIJAY Indian TV in-between 


6:00 AM and 6:30 AM on the topic


" Shakti Pirakkudu Moochinile... " in tamil language....


Don't miss it!


Regards & Chant

The Maha mantra:

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


Source: http://www.namadwaar.org/home.php   































































































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