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How I See Sri Sai Satcharita -by Saibanisa


E-mail ID : saibanisa


Chapter 11 of Sri Sai satcharita


I want to write few words firstly about whether Sri Sai has a form or not when

Sri Sai came to Shirdi for the first time, HE never told anyone that HIS name is

Sai. When a Judge asked HIM his name in DHULIYA COURT, HE replied - They call me

SAI BABA. HE was given THAT NAME by our Sai Bhagat Mhalsapati. Sri Sai told HIS

Devotees that HE has no form. Our elders call this aspect as Nirguna Swaroopa (

one without form). Worshipping Sri Sai as Nirguna Swaroopa (a formless one) is

actually worshipping Nirguna Brahma (formless absolute). This method of worship

is very difficult and hence cannot be practiced by most people. That's why we

worship GOD with human form. Worshipping Sri Rama, Sri Krishna and Sri Shirdi

Sainath belongs to this category of worshipping GOD with human form. This type

of worship is easy for practicing by all of us. Sri Sai is Omnipresent and was

found everywhere, so wrote Hemadri Pant in this chapter. I agree with this view

of Hemadri

Pant. I have experienced Omniscience of Sri Sai many times in my life. Instead

of writing all these experiences now , I feel that it will be better to write

about them with reference context .. We know that Doctor Pandit applied

sandalwood paste on Sri Sai's forehead, but what is the Sai's Philosophy behind

that act? We have to ponder on this question. Sri Sai gave a vision of Dr.

Pandit's Preceptor in HIMSELF to Dr. Pandit, to prove the point that GOD is

always with HIS Devotee and that there is no difference between GOD and a SELF

realized person.

Sri Sai did not permit some of HIS devotees to enter the Dwarakamayi , as egoism

was not fully eliminated in them. I worship daily Sri Sai and worship different

Deities unfailingly on Saturdays by visiting temples . I was filled fully with

pride (ego) that I am very pious person. When I recollect the way priests, of

every temple I visited on Datta Jayanti day (a Saturday) in 1991, deflated my

ego indicates certainly that Sri Sai removes egoism from HIS Devotees and opens

their eyes to HIS Omniscience. I started believing from that day that GOD is

Omnipresent, HE is present in Temple, in your house and in your mind etc., and

leaving behind my ego started worshipping HIM at home.

In service of Sri Sai ,-Saibanisa GopalaraoRavada



The Glory Of Shirdi Sai Issue 07-2010 is now available in the PDF format. by

clicking on the below link





The Issue 2010-07 of The Glory Of Shirdi Sai is now available in the 3d Page

turning format.








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