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Inter-faith understanding

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Namaste, everyone on the list


I write this to give an example of inter-faith understanding. On the

29th of June at the wedding ceremony of my grandson Guhan Subramanian

with Helen Clement at the Swedenborg Chapel, Cambridge, MA, both the

christian ceremony and a sample of Hindu vedic benediction were

performed with the permission of the Chief Priest Rev.Father Tafel.

After the Marriage Covenant and the Ring Exchange Ceremony were over,

I,being the grandfather of the groom and the eldest person on the

groom's side present, read from the dais a vedic benediction in the

form of a recitation. It involved a permuting repetition, (known

as the ghana recital)in a certain order, of the words which together

meant the following:


May the dedication to a life-long commitment made this day ( between

this man and this woman) result in great prosperity, untarnished

reputation, success in all that they undertake together, and the

attainment of all worthy goals.


Further I supplemented this by a sequence of 10 sentences of

blessing (in Sanskrit) after each of which and its translation, the

audience assembled there said in chorus SO BE IT (meaning of

tathA-astu)in approval by the assembly. It went like this:


1. svasti mantrArthAs-satyAs-saha-phalAs-santviti bhavanto


(May there be peace and the noble persons present here so bless that

the meaning of the mantras and rituals be true and fruitful)

All: SO BE IT.


2. anayor-dampatyoH vedoktam dIrgham Ayushyam bhUyAditi bhavanto


(May this couple have the long life mentioned in the scriptures and

the noble persons present here so bless)



3. ayam muhUrtas-sumuhUrto bhUyAditi bhavanto mahAntonugRNantu

(May this moment of wedlock be auspicious to its fullest and the

noble persons present here so bless)


4. anayor dampatyoH sakala-devatAnAm atyantam AnukUlyam bhUyAditi

bhavanto mahAntonugRNantu

(May the Divine Power pour forth their richest blessings on this

couple and the noble persons present here so bless)



5. anayor dampatyoH Subetara-phala-pradAtRNAm devatAnAm

Sakter-nirasanaM bhUyAditi bhavanto mahAntonugRNantu

(May the Divine Power overcome any forces that may affect the

well-being of this couple and the noble persons present here so




6.anayor dampatyoH Subha-phala-pradAtRNAm SaktiH atyanta atiSayena

phaladA bhUyAditi bhavanto mahAntonugRNantu

(May the well-wishing Powers that be abundantly shower their best

on this couple and may the noble persons present here so bless)



7. anayor dampatyoH Ayur-balam yaSo varcaH paSavas-sthairyam

siddhir-lakshmIH kshamA kAntis-sadguNA AnandaH ityeteshAm sadA

abhivRddhir-bhUyAditi bhavanto mahAntonugRNantu

(May this couple continuously grow in health, good reputation,

beauty, prosperity, integrity, forbearance, friendship, love and

contentment and may the noble persons present here so bless)



8. anayor dampatyoH nityotsavo nityaSrIH nityamangalam bhUyAditi

bhavanto mahAntonugRNantu

(May this couple be blessed with abundant joy, constant prosperity

and continuing good fortune and may the noble persons present here so




9.deSesmin sAntirastu; sarve janAssukhino bhavantu

(May this nation enjoy peace; May all people be blessed with




10. samasta-sanmangaLAni santu; uttarottarAbhivRddhir-astu

(Let there be all-round good fortune; and may we all continue always

to strive towards the Highest Good)



The audience listened in rapt attention to the Sanskrit saying as

well as its translation and with great enthusiasm echoed the words SO

BE IT with great sanctity and respect. The entire international

gatghering of Europeans, Americans, Americans of Indian origin and

Indians liked the programme so much that there have been requests to

borrow the script from me for future similar use. I therefore thought

I will report this to you. The event was also reported in New York

Times of 30th June on their weddings page.


Yours , profvk






Prof. V. Krishnamurthy

My website on Science and Spirituality is http://www.geocities.com/profvk/

You can access my book on Gems from the Ocean of Hindu Thought Vision and

Practice, and my father R. Visvanatha Sastri's manuscripts from the site.




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Thank you Prof. Krishnamurthy for sharing this edifying example.


In another interfaith wedding I attended, the Surya Vivaha section

from the Rig-Veda was recited: [tr. Raimondo Panikkar]





May All the Divine Powers

Join Our Two Hearts in One



15 This famous hymn describes the marriage of Surya, daughter of the

Sun (Surya), with Soma, who here personifies the Moon. This cosmic

event is the model and image of every human marriage. The text has

two clear-cut parts. The first introduces us to Soma and the second

describes practically all the ceremonies of the marriage.


After the stanzas (1-19) describing the marriage of Soma the Moon

with Surya the Sun-maiden they are proclaimed an inseparable couple,

and the second part of the hymn celebrates the human part of the

wedding ceremony. The verses that follow are put into the mouths of

the different persons taking part: the priest, the bride, the

bridegroom, and so on. The bride is taken solemnly from her father's

house to the dwelling of her future husband. The Gandharva is sent

away, while those who have arranged the marriage are given a blessing

for their journey and enterprises. Then the bride is brought into her

new home, where, on her arrival, the marriage is performed. The

ceremony of the bridal robe, that of the taking of her hand, the

circumambulation of the sacred fire, and the settling into the new

home are among the rites described in the second part of this hymn.





RV X, 85, 20-47


20. Mount, O Surya, this gold-hued chariot

fashioned from many-shaped planks of Kimshuka

and Shalmali wood, strong-wheeled, smooth-rolling.

Forth to the world immortal! Prepare

for your husband a happy bridal journey!

21. " This woman has a husband. Go, seek another

a girl in her father's home ripe for marriage "

--I thus addressed Vishvavasu in song--

" and thus fulfill the task assigned you. "

22. Get up from here, Vishvavasu!

We entreat you now with due respect.

Seek another willing girl

and leave the wife alone with her husband.

23. Straight be the paths and thornless on which

our friends will travel to present our suit!

May Aryaman and Bhaga lead us together!

May heaven grant us a stable marriage!

24. I free you now from the fetter of Varuna

with which the kindly Savitri secured you.

Unharmed within the bosom of Order I set you,

along with your husband, in the world of goodness.

25. I free her from this knot, not from that other

in which I have now well and truly bound her,

in such a way that, mothering fine sons,

she may dwell in happiness, O generous Indra!

26. May the Provident One lead you, holding your hand!

May the two Ashvins transport you on their chariot!

Enter your house as that household's mistress.

May authority in speech ever be yours!

27. May happiness await you with your children!

Watch o'er this house as mistress of the home.

Unite yourself wholly with your husband. Thus

authority in speech till old age will be yours.

28. Dark blue and red is the magic sign

which clings so closely. The kinsmen of the bride

prosper; the husband is bound with bonds.

29. Cast away the dirty robe!

Distribute the treasure among the priests!

This magic sign, assuming feet,

approaches the husband in guise of a wife!

30. Ugly his body, of lurid hue,

if with evil intent the husband

covers his member with the robe of his bride.

31. The diseases that belong to her own people

and follow in the wake of the bridal procession--

these may the worshipful Gods despatch

hence to the place from which they came!

32. May those who lurk to bar the pathway

not find the bridal couple as they go!

May they escape by pleasant paths all harm!

Let all the ill-wishers flee away!

33. Signs of good fortune attend the bride.

Congregate, one and all, to see her!

Wish her joy and return to your homes!

34. It is pungent in odor, sharp, full of barbs.

It resembles poison unfit for eating.

Only he who knows the Surya hymn

is worthy to take the bridal robe.

35. Now it is cut, severed, and divided!

See the beautiful colors of Surya!

Only the priest can purify these.

36. I take your hand in mine for happiness,

that you may reach old age with me as husband.

Bhaga, Savitri, Aryaman, Purandhi,

have given you to be my household's mistress.

37. Rouse her, O Provident One, this bride of many charms,

in whom as in a field men sow the seed.

Let her, desirous, open her thighs,

that we, desirous, may insert the member.

38. To you they bring, first, in bridal procession

this Surya, guiding her steps in circles.

Return her now, O Agni, to her husband

as rightful wife, and grant to her children.

39. Agni has now returned the bride

endowed with splendors and length of life.

May she live a lengthy span of days

and may her husband live a hundred autumns!

40. This woman was first acquired by Soma.

Next the Gandharva was her guardian.

To Agni, third, was she presented in marriage.

Her fourth husband is born of a woman.

41. Thus Soma passed her on to the Gandarva

and he in turn presented her to Agni.

Agni has given to me wealth and sons;

it is he who has given me this my wife.

42. Dwell in this home; never be parted!

Enjoy the full duration of your days,

with sons and grandsons playing to the end,

rejoicing in your home to your heart's content.

43. May Prajapati grant to us an issue,

Aryaman keep us till death in holy marriage!

Free from ill omens, enter the home

of your husband. Bring blessing to both humans and cattle.

44. Not evil-eyed nor harmful to your husband,

kind to dumb beasts, radiant, gentle-hearted;

pleasing, beloved by the Gods, bring forth heroes.

To menfolk and beasts alike bring blessing.

45. Bless now this bride, O bounteous Lord,

cheering her heart with the gift of brave sons.

Grant her ten sons; her husband make the eleventh!

46. Act like a queen to your husband's father,

to your husband's mother likewise, and his sister.

To all your husband's brothers be queen.

47. May all the divine Powers together with the Waters

join our two hearts in one! May the Messenger,

the Creator, and Holy Obedience unite us!








Ramakrishna, " V. Krishnamurthy " <profvk> wrote:

> Namaste, everyone on the list


a vedic benediction in the form of a recitation.

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Dear Sunderji

What a valuable posting of yours! My appreciations and thanks.

Yours, profvk



Prof. V. Krishnamurthy

My website on Science and Spirituality is http://www.geocities.com/profvk/

You can access my book on Gems from the Ocean of Hindu Thought Vision and

Practice, and my father R. Visvanatha Sastri's manuscripts from the site.




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