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" gaurav singh " <gaurav_singh12

Tuesday, August 13, 2002 07:23

Re: [self-knowledge] Determination (part 2)




the matter in this context are beautiful but one very important thing

is missing i.e. " As it has been said that meditation is the way through

which one can achieve the spiritual bliss but the Question is without

seeing anything how can we meditate , There should be some Target

and Which could be Practically seen , then only we can meditate on it "

other wise its of no use from the point of view of spiritual bliss. As

Vivekanand when he was searching God , he went to various Gurus

and asked them how can God be realised , so they said that meditate

on him , Vivekanand said how can we meditate on him when we have

not seen him so first show me his real form and then can i meditate ,

but no where he found such a Master who can practically Show him

the real form of God becoz he had read in Vedas that God can be

Practically seen and from then the spiritual life starts , so he was

very much depressed that there is no such Guru in this world and he

started disliking the saints and one day he met Swami Ramkrishan ji ,

to whom he also asked the same question that can God be seen then

Swamiji said Yes , Vivekanand was astonished becoz this was the

first man who simply said yes , then Vivekanand said why I believe

you then swamiji said Come and seen your self and from there the

spiritual life of Vivekanand started , so the Quetion is First we have

to find Such A Guru who like Swami ramkrishan ji Can Practically

show us the real form of God and can then only our spiritual life will start



Vivekananda Centre wrote: " R D "


Wednesday, August 07, 2002 01:37

Rays from the Light Fountain


By Sri Swami Chidananda


Contd....... (determination part 2)

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Dear Gaurav

So are you saying that you will wait for the spiritual master like Sri Ramakrishna to come into your life before you get down to meditation and looking for God. You are talking like the proverbial man who waited for the tides in the ocean to subside so that he could bathe in the waters. And ofcourse he kept waiting. Your first step in meditation can be by way of Japa and remembrance of the name and form of Gos which is most appealing to your mind. All else will happen thereafter.

Also about your taking the example of Swami Vivekananda.

My dear...you have to be a Vivekananda first to deserve a Guru like Sri Ramakrishna. Do you know that Swami Vivekananda belonged to the category of those who are born pure with no taint of the impurities that we normal human beings carry. Dont take the words and questions of Swami Vivekananda to Sri Ramakrishana at face value. Even to understand their questions...forget answers will take a life time of purifying one self.

And BTW Sri Ramakrishna also said that you should pray to God with longing and he will send the Guru of the kind you need. Until then God is your Guru.

Be careful before you try to emulate the questions or conduct of great men. For without qualifications emulating their conduct is quite naive to put it very mildly.

Pranams - dev

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Sri Ramakrishna constantly reminded his devotees to

keep company with the holy- since it takes a lit

candle to light another candle. He also also

emphasized the value of retreating from the world to a

solitary, quiet place where one could practice


In this crazy time, the former is probably the most

valuable, since one's mind is elevated with little

effort when one is in good company (and of course it

is not brought down by keeping bad company which

reinforces negative samskaras). But I think this does

not make one's practice " firmly grounded " because once

you leave holy company the negative samskaras come

back with a vengence. Remember the story about the

Ganges removing all your sins? Sri Ramakrishna said

this was true- but added with a little humor- that

" the sins waited on the trees until you came out of

the water. " Holy company can only temporarily uplift

the devotee but the devotee must then do the hard work

of sustaining his/her practice in the midst of wordly

life and obligations- hence spiritual practice and

solitude are probably of greater importance.....


My Guru, Sri Swami Satchidanada, once said it is

better to be at an ashram, even if you just sleep,

rather than being on a steet corner making a drug

connection! For most of us, Sangha is the raft that

will carry us across the ocean of Samsara....




--- Vivekananda Centre <vivekananda


> " gaurav singh " <gaurav_singh12

> Tuesday, August 13, 2002 07:23

> Re: [self-knowledge] Determination (part 2)



> hello

> the matter in this context are beautiful but one

> very important thing

> is missing i.e. " As it has been said that

> meditation is the way through

> which one can achieve the spiritual bliss but the

> Question is without

> seeing anything how can we meditate , There should

> be some Target

> and Which could be Practically seen , then only we

> can meditate on it "

> other wise its of no use from the point of view of

> spiritual bliss. As

> Vivekanand when he was searching God , he went to

> various Gurus

> and asked them how can God be realised , so they

> said that meditate

> on him , Vivekanand said how can we meditate on him

> when we have

> not seen him so first show me his real form and then

> can i meditate ,

> but no where he found such a Master who can

> practically Show him

> the real form of God becoz he had read in Vedas that

> God can be

> Practically seen and from then the spiritual life

> starts , so he was

> very much depressed that there is no such Guru in

> this world and he

> started disliking the saints and one day he met

> Swami Ramkrishan ji ,

> to whom he also asked the same question that can God

> be seen then

> Swamiji said Yes , Vivekanand was astonished becoz

> this was the

> first man who simply said yes , then Vivekanand said

> why I believe

> you then swamiji said Come and seen your self and

> from there the

> spiritual life of Vivekanand started , so the

> Quetion is First we have

> to find Such A Guru who like Swami ramkrishan ji Can

> Practically

> show us the real form of God and can then only our

> spiritual life will start

> gaurav_singh12


> Vivekananda Centre wrote: " R D "

> To:

> Wednesday, August 07, 2002 01:37

> Rays from the Light Fountain


> By Sri Swami Chidananda


> Contd....... (determination part 2)






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