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Interesting questions from David

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Dear David


Here is my 2 cents worth:



1. From what I have read in Hindu Scriptures I do not think Hinduismpromotes idol worship. If this is so, please let me know how the worshipsof idols came into practice or how would you justify idolatry so widelypractised among my Hindu friends. The Bible strictly prohibits idol worshipunder the Mosiac Law since it demeans God. I have difficulty relating tosome of the idols in Hinduism although I can appreciate the sincerity ofthe devotees who are trying to reach God through the idols whether outof love or fear it is hard to say.


Answers: Actually Hinduism is a misnomer. There is no "ism" to Hinduism. It also advocates heartily of all forms of worship...nature, idols, ones own self and any more ideas that you can come up with based on your aptitude and inclination. It is a very personal thing and it is not very normal to tell another what to do unless the guy needs a guide. It is recognised that all are continuously evolving(though it may be difficult to tell sometimes! No! I was just joking!). Sri Ramakrishna's life is one outstanding example of the "all paths lead to one goal" theme.

Question2. What is the definition of 'Maya' according to your understanding?Some people thing 'Maya' pertains to this world which is an illusion.If thisinterpretation is right than suffering in this world or noble deeds in thisworld are all illusion and morality is not possible and then we have aserious problem in enforcing the law in a civilized society.

Answer: there are a lot of educated answers to this one. I shall talk about what I feel. For me...as long as you are in it, the word maya suggests an alternate reality other than as seen by you.

When I am extremely sad, It consoles me and teaches me detachment. When I am extremely happy, it shows me reality and teaches me detachment. Why detachment? A detached mind is often seen to be calm and we can use our energies for other things. And also to whole heartedly apply yourself to the world.


I do not know much about illusion etc; but this idea was articulated pretty well by many western philosophers well. One of such aphorisms I can recollect is "Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder". Another one is "Your world is what you think it is".


Sri Ramana Maharshi once answered such a question in this manner:

'The world is real.' 'No, it is a mere illusory appearance.' 'The world is conscious.' 'No.' 'The world is happiness.' 'No.' What use is it to argue thus? That State is agreeable to all, wherein, having given up the objective outlook, one knows one's Self and loses all notions either of unity or duality, of oneself and the ego.

Question3. Hinduism as I understand from my reading believe in monism,i.e.,God is the one substance there is. Does this means that God is bothEvil and Good and there is nothing outside of God? If God is not the authorof Evil, what is the origin of evil? You stated there is no concept oforiginal sin in Hinduism and man is essentially good although in degrees, somebetter than other. How do we account for Hitlers and Stalins in this worldwho were so depraved?


Answer: I am not sure I understood you here. I used to wonder about Hitler a lot and the his role in the "big plan". And quite honestly I came up with no answers. But recently I read an interesting article about Hitler. Apparently he was a very clean person, was an above average student, would not touch alcohol or tobacco, and was a very disciplined kid at school. He aspired to be an artist, enjoyed music and considered himself a great Patriot! etc;. What a sham his life turned out to be. It teaches me not to be a hitler in my life..accepting things without understanding, false values etc; I would rather have people see what I really am than keep it hidden and let it blow up later! I found this lesson very valuable. Now is this the "big game plan"? Atleast I am sure it is a part of the little plan that my life is!


with love and regards






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