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Common Sense an obituary

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An Obituary


Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend,

by the name of Common Sense.

Common Sense lived a long life but died in the United States

from heart failure on the beginning of the new millennium.


He was credited with cultivating such valued lessons

as to know when to come in out of the rain,

why the early bird gets the worm

and that life isn't always fair.


Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies

(don't spend more than you earn),

reliable parenting strategies (adults are in charge, not kids)

and it's okay to come in second.



But his health declined when he became infected with the

" If-it-only-helps-one-person-it's-worth-it " virus.


In recent decades his waning strength proved no match for

the ravages of well intentioned, but overbearing regulations.


He watched in pain as good people became ruled by

self seeking lawyers.


His health rapidly deteriorated when schools endlessly

implemented zero-tolerance policies.


Reports of a six-year-old boy charged with sexual

harassment for kissing a classmate,

a teen suspended for using a swish of mouthwash after lunch

and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student

only worsened his condition.


It declined even further when schools had to get

parental consent to administer aspirin to a student

but could not inform the parents when a

female student was pregnant and wanted an abortion.


Finally, Common Sense lost his will to live as

the Ten Commandments became contraband,

Churches became businesses,

criminals received better treatment than their victims

and federal judges stuck their noses in everything from the

Boy Scouts to professional sports.


Finally, when a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of

coffee was hot and was awarded a huge settlement,

Common Sense threw in the towel.


As the end neared, Common Sense drifted in

and out of logic, but was kept informed of developments

regarding questionable regulations,

such as those for low flow toilets,

rocking chairs

and stepladders.


Common Sense was preceded in death by

his parents, Truth and Trust;

his wife, Discretion;

his daughter, Responsibility

and his son, Reason.


He is survived by two stepbrothers:

My Rights, and Ima Whiner.


Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone.


-Author Unknown



Common Sense is not so common.

- Benjamin Franklin

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