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Superstition or science????

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Sir, This group is an extremely enlightening group and members are

very kind and helpful.I love to discuss every issue with our members

and I am very proud to be a part of it.


This time I want our group members to discuss about astrology.

Although there are several controversies in this subject, It's a

fact, That it's gaining fast importance around the world. Now

astrology is longer an Indian issue. It's global issue.

So, In this view I want to know whether our great teachers believed

this? What's Swami Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekandhaa's

outlook about

Astrology and prophecy? I also like to know the personal

views of our great members. Once again thank you very much for

entertaining me in this group.


And the story power of concentration from Mr.Ramaswamy is truly

inspirational. I simply love the each words of it.


Thanks and Om...


C.V. Mahesh.

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Dear Mr Mahesh,


As you said, astrology is a very ancient science and

no doubt Sri Ramakrishna was aware of it. But we get

very little feedback except that he believed that

certain days and hours were auspicious or



Sri Ramakrishna's horoscope very accurately predicted

the trend and events in his life. The same was the

case of Mathurbabu.


However his immediate disciples were of the opinion

that astrolgical influences did not affect the lives

of those who surrendered themselves at the feet of

God. Swami Sivanandaji (Mahapurush Maharaj) is known

to have thrown his horoscope into the ganges when his

train was passing over the river on his way to



Swami Vivekananda used to show certain lines on his

hands to his friends and say that they predicted

sannayas. But whether he believed in astrology is not

known. Swamiji handprint was studied by Cheiro but his

findings are lost. However his handprint is available

in one of Cheiros books.


Personally I do not doubt the accuracy of astrology.

But each has his/her own views on the subject.





--- " talkto02 <talkto02 "

<talkto02 wrote:

> Sir, This group is an extremely enlightening group

> and members are

> very kind and helpful.I love to discuss every issue

> with our members

> and I am very proud to be a part of it.


> This time I want our group members to discuss about

> astrology.

> Although there are several controversies in this

> subject, It's a

> fact, That it's gaining fast importance around the

> world. Now

> astrology is longer an Indian issue. It's global

> issue.

> So, In this view I want to know whether our great

> teachers believed

> this? What's Swami Ramakrishna and Swami

> Vivekandhaa's

> outlook about

> Astrology and prophecy? I also like to know the

> personal

> views of our great members. Once again thank you

> very much for

> entertaining me in this group.


> And the story power of concentration from

> Mr.Ramaswamy is truly

> inspirational. I simply love the each words of it.


> Thanks and Om...


> C.V. Mahesh.









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I think this is a very interesting question. Both Shri Ramakrishna

and Swami Vivekananda probably felt that a true seeker of Truth

should shy away from astrology. I have posted the URL of a chapter

from Swami Vivekananda's Complete Works, where his opinion on the

topic is quite clear.





(The URL is long, if it does not work, the chapter is enititled " Man

the Maker and is under " notes of class talks and lectures " of Volume

8 of www.ramakrishnavivekananda.info.)


There are other occasions in the Complete Works, where Swami

Vivekananda does refer to his experiences with the supernatural, one

that I can remember off-hand is his experience at Kumbakonam near

Madras. It is letter number 1 under " unpublished " at the same web





Partha Sinha



Ramakrishna , " talkto02 <talkto02> "

<talkto02> wrote:

> Sir, This group is an extremely enlightening group and members are

> very kind and helpful.I love to discuss every issue with our


> and I am very proud to be a part of it.


> This time I want our group members to discuss about astrology.

> Although there are several controversies in this subject, It's a

> fact, That it's gaining fast importance around the world. Now

> astrology is longer an Indian issue. It's global issue.

> So, In this view I want to know whether our great teachers


> this? What's Swami Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekandhaa's

> outlook about

> Astrology and prophecy? I also like to know the personal

> views of our great members. Once again thank you very much for

> entertaining me in this group.


> And the story power of concentration from Mr.Ramaswamy is truly

> inspirational. I simply love the each words of it.


> Thanks and Om...


> C.V. Mahesh.

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Ramakrishna , Jagannath Chatterjee

<jagchat01> wrote:

> Dear Mr Mahesh,


> As you said, astrology is a very ancient science




For Swamiji's views on Astrology, please see:




Home / Complete-Works / Volume 8 / Notes of Class Talks and Lectures /




For Thakur's horoscope according to Bhrigu Samhita, the

reference is in Sw. Saradananda's 2- vol. Biography of Thakur.






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Dear Mr Mahesh,


I agree with Mr Jagannath that there is no doubt about the accuracy of

astrology. I believe that astrology is a science and sometimes an art,

which is true. The only problem is that of the interpreters i.e. the

astrologers. Astrology can be interpreted, as you want, so it is the

interpreters who use them for the benefits and others blame astrology as a



K Veni Madhavan



Jagannath Chatterjee [jagchat01]

10 February 2003 17:03


Re: [sri Ramakrishna] Superstition or science????


Dear Mr Mahesh,


As you said, astrology is a very ancient science and

no doubt Sri Ramakrishna was aware of it. But we get

very little feedback except that he believed that

certain days and hours were auspicious or



Sri Ramakrishna's horoscope very accurately predicted

the trend and events in his life. The same was the

case of Mathurbabu.


However his immediate disciples were of the opinion

that astrolgical influences did not affect the lives

of those who surrendered themselves at the feet of

God. Swami Sivanandaji (Mahapurush Maharaj) is known

to have thrown his horoscope into the ganges when his

train was passing over the river on his way to



Swami Vivekananda used to show certain lines on his

hands to his friends and say that they predicted

sannayas. But whether he believed in astrology is not

known. Swamiji handprint was studied by Cheiro but his

findings are lost. However his handprint is available

in one of Cheiros books.


Personally I do not doubt the accuracy of astrology.

But each has his/her own views on the subject.





--- " talkto02 <talkto02 "

<talkto02 wrote:

> Sir, This group is an extremely enlightening group

> and members are

> very kind and helpful.I love to discuss every issue

> with our members

> and I am very proud to be a part of it.


> This time I want our group members to discuss about

> astrology.

> Although there are several controversies in this

> subject, It's a

> fact, That it's gaining fast importance around the

> world. Now

> astrology is longer an Indian issue. It's global

> issue.

> So, In this view I want to know whether our great

> teachers believed

> this? What's Swami Ramakrishna and Swami

> Vivekandhaa's

> outlook about

> Astrology and prophecy? I also like to know the

> personal

> views of our great members. Once again thank you

> very much for

> entertaining me in this group.


> And the story power of concentration from

> Mr.Ramaswamy is truly

> inspirational. I simply love the each words of it.


> Thanks and Om...


> C.V. Mahesh.









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Sri Ramakrishnaye Namah

Vivekananda Centre London




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> What's Swami Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekandhaa's

outlook about Astrology and prophecy?


Interestingly I asked somewhat similar questions to

Swami Medhasanadaji (who is currently the president of

the Ramakrishna Mission in Japan).


Here is part of what he said.


There is enough evidence in the literature of Thakur

(Sri Ramakrishna) and Ma (Sri Sarada Devi) to show

that they both relied on astrological conventions,



Thakur, like other great saints before him, came not

to destroy but to strengthen, awaken. So, he followed

the prevalent social customs as long as they were not

harmful to spiritual progress.


No doubt astrological calculations can sometimes

predict the future events, but our mind should mainly

be focussed on spiritual disciplines (Love of God



There is a story about Mahapurush Maharaj (Swami

Shivananda). There were two disciples staying with

him. They were very good friends and very fond of each

other. One of them was a sevak of Maharaj and the

other had come to stay for some days. Soon the time

for the departure of the friend came.


The sevak wanted his friend to stay on for a few more

days and entreated his friend to stay some more. But

the friend had to go and so decided to go on the

appointed day.


By chance the appointed day of departure fell on a

week day which was considered inauspicious for

starting on journeys [i am sorry i have forgotten

which day it was -- maybe thursday]. The sevak thought

of a plan. He went to Mahapurush Maharaj and said,

" Maharaj, even Thakur would not travel on such an

inauspicious day, and this my friend is travelling on

this day. Please ask him not to start on this day. "


To his joy, Mahapurush Maharaj acceeded to his request

and asked him to call his friend. And to the friend,

Maharaj said, " Please do not go on this inauspicious

day. "


The friend had some work and so wanted to proceed

according to plan. So, he said - " Maharaj, if I take

the name of Thakur and then proceed, can anything bad

happen to me ? " Maharaj said - " No, nothing bad can

happen to you. " " So, " said the friend, " can I proceed

on this day after taking Thakur's name and your

blessings ? " . Maharaj said " Sure you can go " .


This example shows the thinking of these great people

regarding astrology. They do not deny it. And they

do not depend too much on it.



He told me another story regarding Ma.


Once, to one of the Ramakrishna Maths came a famous

astrologer. By seeing a horoscope, he could predict a

few things. On being shown an absent sannyasin's

horoscope, he became very angry. He said - " Why are

you showing me the horoscope of a person who has

already died ? " The sannyasin whose horoscope was

being studied was not present in the Math. The other

present sannyasins tried to convince the astrologer

that the sannyasin was very much alive, he was not

dead. But the astrologer would not agree. He said

that according to the horoscope, the person should

have died on this particular date.


Later on when this was disclosed to the sannyasin, it

set him thinking. And he remembered an incident which

had occured a few days before the date mentioned as

his death date by the astrologer.


He had been staying with the Holy Mother. At that

time, he had not had sannyasa. All of a sudden, one

day she told him to go immediately to Belur Math and

get his sannyasa. He was not too keen to leave the

Mother and go. But she insisted. And so he went and

had his sannyasa.


Swami Medhasanandaji says that Ma had forseen that

according to the astrological calculations, he would

have to give up the body. But before that event, she

made him take sannyasa. Thus nullifying the

pre-ordained events.


So, again we see that astrology can predict events.

But once we have the grace of the great saints, we

need not worry.


If according to astrological predictions (according to

your past actions), it is predicted that your leg will

be cut off ; then if you depend on the grace of the

Lord / if you take the name of the Lord faithfully,

you will get bye by having a thorn prick your leg.


You want to study and follow astrology, do it. But

remember that this is neither the goal nor an

important element of the path.






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Dear Friends,


I fully agree with the view put forward that spiritual

seekers should shy away from astrology.


Spiritual aspects apart, the ancient hindu treatises

on vedic astrology clearly state that study of planets

and their relationship to humans/nations can create

trouble for the astrologer (i.e. the one who is

studying them). Subtle mathematical calculations on

the position of the planets is also expressly



This is quite in tandem with the scientific studies on

the subatomic particles where the enquiry can affect

the subject and also the object. As the microcosm is

the same as the macrocosm, the rule holds good for the

external universe as well.







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On Tue, 11 Feb 2003 17:34:29 -0800 (PST), Ashish Gupta

<asar_gupta wrote:


>> What's Swami Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekandhaa's

> outlook about Astrology and prophecy?


> Interestingly I asked somewhat similar questions to

> Swami Medhasanadaji (who is currently the president of

> the Ramakrishna Mission in Japan).


> Here is part of what he said...


Dear Ashish,


Thank you for this valued information. It is just what I have been hoping

to find and exactly answers the questions in my mind concerning the role of

astrology for the spiritual aspirant. Astrology has its place, but the

main thing is to always cling to the Guru's feet.






" Ring the bells that still can ring, forget your perfect offering.

There is a crack, a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. "

--Leonard Cohen, " Anthem "

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