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Age discrimination in Ramakrishna Order

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I have heard that the Ramakrishna Order still enforces age discrimination, as

it does not accpt new monks over 35 (or thereabouts). First, this seems

outdated, gievn greater longevity in the West and India. Secondly, it runs

against the Hindu tradition whereby a householder would be able to take ascetic

vows later in life. Thirdly, age discrimination is worldly and arbitrary and

has no more to do with spirituality than discrimination on grounds of race or

sexual orientation. By continuing this practice, the Ramakrishna Order is

missing out on a great deal of practical wisdom, skill, compassion and positive



Is it possible that such barriers could be recognised as negative energy and

them be put to one side?


Best Wishes,






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Ramakrishna , " Aidan Rankin " <aidanr@d...>


> I have heard that the Ramakrishna Order still enforces age

discrimination, as it does not accpt new monks over 35 (or

thereabouts). First, this seems outdated, gievn greater longevity

in the West and India. Secondly, it runs against the Hindu

tradition whereby a householder would be able to take ascetic vows

later in life. Thirdly, age discrimination is worldly and arbitrary

and has no more to do with spirituality than discrimination on

grounds of race or sexual orientation. By continuing this practice,

the Ramakrishna Order is missing out on a great deal of practical

wisdom, skill, compassion and positive influences.


> Is it possible that such barriers could be recognised as negative

energy and them be put to one side?


> Best Wishes,


> Aidan



Let me explain the age restrictions for being a monk etc that is

practised in many Orders in India (I was not aware of it being in

effect in the Ramakrishna Order).


To live a monk's life, in Sw Vivekananda's words, is to live on the

razor's edge. It is a constant battle against worldly temptation; to

lose even ONCE is to start all over again, and usually requires

DOUBLE the effort every time you fall down. So, ability to put

effort and commitment are two key requirements for this life. Let's

examine these requirements.



Tremendous spiritual disciplines need to be performed with alcrity

and regularity, besides the various tests the Guru will place on

you. You need a 'prana' or vitality for this endeavour. Hence the

age-limit restrction; we all know how the metabolism of a wordly

person reduces in or near mid-life.



Forget spiritual life; in order to succeed in material life, you

need to start with a goal in life early on and stick to it. Then the

success is probable. If you decide the goal late in life, then the

chances are that the current conditioning of your life may run

counter to your goal (any material goal) and you may find it an

extremely uphill task to reach there. If that is the case with

material goals, you can forget spiritual life, whose goals are

extremely subtle and difficult.


The word 'conditioning' can be defined as 'samskara' and is

evaluated for each of us by our 'prarabhdha karma'. That

conditioning is a key point for 'taking it easy after 35, and not

rushing in for the whole deal'.


Hence the age restrictions are for our benefit only, not for the

Orders' benefit. Do not take the rule to be discriminatory in any

way... it is more practical than discriminatory.


Here is an example. I know of a man (my friend's paternal uncle) who

was accepted as a monk-like disciple at age 55 by a guru in

Dehradun, India. This guru had similar restrictions, but he made an

exception here. That is because my uncle was doing Gayatri mantra

puja for 8-10 hrs every day for the past 10 years, and before that,

when he was actively in wordly service, he could still do it atleast

2 hrs or so every day. His 'prarabhdha karma' then easily gave him

the commitment for the guru's tutelage, hence the exception.


A big commentary can be written on this point, but I think the

essence of it has been expressed here.


Hope this helps.


Jai Ma!

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If a person has worldly experiences for a long time

and then becomes a monk, the probability that he will

be a second rate monk is high. The longevity is not

more than a hundred years and the accepted number was

a hundred in ancient India. It is not age

discrimination. It is just sound common sense. One has

rules so that the quality does not suffer. If the

order accepted indiscriminately not only will it be

bad for the order but for those that draw from it. Age

discrimination is not worldly and arbitrary. It is

enforced in every work place. One does not hire a 65

year old soldier to fight in the front line however

there may be exceptions and one may form a good army

of 65 to 70 year olds but in general it is not

liklely. One goes by the general and not the specific.

There are I am sure institutions where monks and nuns

can hang around together, old monks and nuns are

accepted and can purchase their way in. One may go

there but the quality there is not likely to be as

good as a traditional order with some control.







--- Aidan Rankin <aidanr wrote:

> I have heard that the Ramakrishna Order still

> enforces age discrimination, as it does not accpt

> new monks over 35 (or thereabouts). First, this

> seems outdated, gievn greater longevity in the West

> and India. Secondly, it runs against the Hindu

> tradition whereby a householder would be able to

> take ascetic vows later in life. Thirdly, age

> discrimination is worldly and arbitrary and has no

> more to do with spirituality than discrimination on

> grounds of race or sexual orientation. By

> continuing this practice, the Ramakrishna Order is

> missing out on a great deal of practical wisdom,

> skill, compassion and positive influences.


> Is it possible that such barriers could be

> recognised as negative energy and them be put to one

> side?


> Best Wishes,


> Aidan



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]













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Aidan Rankin [aidanr]

Tuesday, July 27, 2004 4:15 AM


Re: [sri Ramakrishna] Age discrimination in Ramakrishna Order


I have heard that the Ramakrishna Order still enforces age discrimination,

as it does not accpt new monks over 35 (or thereabouts). First, this seems

outdated, gievn greater longevity in the West and India. Secondly, it runs

against the Hindu tradition whereby a householder would be able to take

ascetic vows later in life. Thirdly, age discrimination is worldly and

arbitrary and has no more to do with spirituality than discrimination on

grounds of race or sexual orientation. By continuing this practice, the

Ramakrishna Order is missing out on a great deal of practical wisdom, skill,

compassion and positive influences.




While that is the general practice the order does make exceptions. They are

perhaps antiquated in some ways, such as age limitations and also the

integration of women into a universal environment, but they are not limited

in their love of service and dedication to realization. If you sincerely

want to join the order there will be a way.


Love, Bob




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It seems that you are making a very irrational conclusion about

Ramakrishna Order. Discrimination is a very powerful word in today's

world and you should use it only after careful consideration and

being absolutely sure.

Here is my suggestion to you to understand the situation.

1. If someone wants to become a monk, why do you need Ramakrishna

Order? Do it yourself. Renounce everything. Why attach to anything or

any Order?

Longivity has nothing to do with being a monk. Everyone knows that

the golden years of human life is between 18 and 30. I think 35

itself is too late to become a monk. You are welcome to become a monk

at 35 or any age, just do it your own. I think the main aim is to

renounce and not joining an Order!

2. The Hindu tradition of ascetic vows (Sanyasa) does not require to

join any Order. The tradition is 5000 years older than Ramakrishna

Order. Again, my point is why Ramakrishna Order is to blame for

someone wanting to lead an ascetic life in their ripe years?

3. Being a monk is NOT for everyone. It is only for an extremely

limited number of people. It is a very difficult life for a person

who is not totally motivated from an early age.

In order to choose the right kind of people for this extreme

lifestyle Ramakrishna Order has to set very strict conditions for

joining. The monks of the RKM Order must be the chosen few to keep up

the quality of Spiritual and Service to Humankind they are known for.

It would not serve the purpose for common people who go through the

emotional roller coaster of 'feeling spiritual' for a few days to

join the Order.

That does not mean that the common people have no hope. Ramakrishna

showed in his life how one can be a monk and a hoseholder.

Ramakrishna has said a thousand times to renounce internally and need

not be outwardly.

We need to support the excellent work Ramakrishna Mission is doing

throughout the world quietly.


Amit Chatterjee

Livonia,Michigan, USA.

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dear all,


it was interesting to read about the age

discrimination topic. all the rejoinders are valid and

sensible. just to add a few thoughts,


let us look at the mundane world. the corporate world

wants only persons either below or above certain age

group for certain positions. mostly it is unlikely to

jave someone as CEO at 20 or a junior clerk as a fresh

induction at 50 !! It is another matter that someone

remains a junior clerk throughout his life !!!


coming to spiritual and religious organisations,

majority of them have age restrictions. Sankara Matams

at kanchi, sringeri, etc. are evne more rigid and

absorb young boys and train them. Same goes with

raghavendra matts. in fact the age 35 limit of RKM is

quite generous.


we all in normal world are guided by prejudices, rigid

views and ways and living and habits. given that

itself being very difficlut to change, what to talk of

becoming a monk very late in life !!!


as brother amit mukerji beutifully says, why RKM, a

man can become amonk just be renouncing, if he can.


every organisation, whether commercial or others,

within rational limits, has these guideliens for its

own better functioning and hence we should respect and

appreciate the rationale behind such guideliens.


jay ramakrishna,


chellamani a.r.











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