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Advanced level Hinduism

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Dear Krishna


Your question about who the students are in the UK and how we grab

their attention when presenting Hinduism......


The classes contain a motley crew of candidates from variety of background.

Most are born and brought up in the West. The age range at last examinations

was 8 to 62. We have Gujaratis, Sindhis, Punjabis, Bengalis, Tamil and

Caribbean Hindus. We run about 14 different classes throughout the UK. All

free of charge and without sectarian bias (the candidates come from all

sectarian bodies in the UK....We have good support from many of the local

temples including the Swaminarayan temples and many Hindu communities)


We also do a lot of work in taking Hinduism into mainstream schools where

in the last few years we must have addressed ten thousand or so English

students on the role of Hinduism in modern society. These sessions are

well received. Our basic site on Hinduism also attracts lot of attention


main stream schools in the United Kingdom.


The reason why we are successful in what we do is very simple... We are

presenting Hinduism in the most 'comprehensive and comprehensible format'

i.e. The material we use is taken from the teachings of Swami Vivekananda

: )




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Dear Jay,

I admire you wholeheartedly for the excellent work you

are doing. Your job is challenging indeed. In the USA,

some of our friends have formed an organization called

OMKAR FOundation. The purpose is to bring Hinduism to

Hindu students in various universities. We are running

a one hour weekly program when the colleges are in

session in Fall and Spring. The program consists of

chanting some vedic mantras, gayathri meditation,

silent meditation,pranayam or breath control, worship

in the simplest way for about 8 minutes,prayer for

about 5 to 8 minutes, discussion on a religious topic

and Arathi. We have been trying our best to get good

attendance, but so far we have not succeeded. Do you

have any suggestions to atract more Hindu students?

Our program is sponsored by Hindu Students Council in

every college or university. Although there are a lot

of Hindu students in most universities, attending a

program to learn about religion is not their priority.

So we need to do some thing to make our program

attractive. Any suggestions?

--- Vivekananda Centre <vivekananda




> >








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Further to message from Krishna about Hinduism in USA Universities


Dear Krishna


We are gradually building up resources that are suited to Hindu youth in the

West. Most of the 'rational and philosophic' aspects of Hinduism are pure


I have become a popular speaker on Hinduism in the universities circuit in

the UK. The Hindu students do not have the time or patience to study

Hinduism but these kind of encounters seem to draw good response. The

largest number of students attending such a meeting last year was 200 at

King's College campus at Guys Hospital in London. The series of talks has

produced a positive feedback so we hope to resume the series visiting all

unis/colleges like Kings or Cambridge or Glasgow and smaller campuses like



We are in touch with some of the student bodies in the USA and maybe we will

do a series of talks in the USA in the near future. Talks allow students to

ask 'pointed questions' of Hinduism. This is very important. They need to do

this before they can come to terms with Hinduism.




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