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(TOPIC of apparent paradox)

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Namah Shivaya all.


This topic reminds me of a related topic.


I have the highest respect for Sri Ramakrishna, so please do not

think otherwise while you read this mail.


It is said that Samadhi is of two types - Savikalpa and Nirvikalpa.


Savikalpa Samadhi is one in which the yogi can connect to the Divine

at will, but still retains a trace of ego-consciousness to enact his

role in the world


Nirvikalpa Samadhi is one in which the yogi IS the Divine at will,

the body's presence being a mere appendage.


When a yogi goes into Nirvikalpa Samadhi, it is said that the bliss

of absorption is so strong that he will simply get absorbed into the

Divine; there are some texts that mention that a yogi in N.Samadhi

cannot sustain his body for more than 21 days.


From all readings and inferences, I could make, to me Sri

Ramakrishna was able to go in Savikalpa Samadhi in no time at all

(meaning his will was so extraordinarily powerful), and I suspect

during his early days of sadhana, he was drifting to the Nirvikalpa

state too, when a passing monk, intuitively recognizing that this

was a great soul who will benefit humanity a lot, fed him food to

sustain the great master's life. Hence the apparent paradox of a God-

conscious realized master and some of his seeming actions. Plus, Sri

Ramakrishna was the supremely obedient child of Ma Kali, who told

him to remain in the body-consciousness for humankind's benefit


In the backdrop of all this, it is interesting to note that some

scholars (I forget where I read this) describe that in the history

of this world, there were only two divine personalities who were in

Nirvikalpa Samadhi for over 50 years!


They are Gautama Buddha and Sri Ramana Maharishi. They attribute the

reason for the longevity of these great beings after THE EVENT, to

the existence (and for the exhaustion) of their prarabhdha karmas.


Jai Ma!

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