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listen to arathi songs of gurumaharaj online at any time

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namaste dear gurubhaies,

i am very happy to share with you that we can listen to arathi songs of gurumaharaj online at any time at



but one request is, i dont have the text of khandana song written by swamy vivekananda, could any one of you post that if you have it please?

jai gurumaharaj


narendra prasadSend instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.

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Ramakrishna , narendra prasad

<digital_brahma> wrote:


> but one request is, i dont have the text of khandana song written by

swamy vivekananda, could any one of you post that if you have it please?




shrii raamakR^iShNa aaraatrika gaanam.h .

khaNDana bhava\-bandhana jaga-vandana vandi tomaay.h .

nira~njana nararuuupadhara nirguNa guNamay.h ..

mochana aghaduuShaNa jagabhuuShaNa chidghanakaay.h .

j~naanaa~njana vimala\-nayana viikShaNe moha jaay.h ..

bhaasvara bhaavasaagara chira\-unmada prema paathaar.h .

bhaktaarjana yugalacharaNa taaraNa bhavapaar.h ..

jR^imbhita\-yuga\-iishvara jagadiishvara yoga sahaay.h .

nirodhana samaahita\-mana nirakhi tava kR^ipaay.h ..

bha~njana duHkhaga~njana karuNaaghana karma kaThor.h .

praaNaarpaNa\-jagata taaraNa kR^intana kali-Dor.h ..

va~nchana kaama\-kaa~nchana atinindita indriya\-raag.h .

tyaagiishvara he naravara deha pade anuraag.h ..

nirbhaya gatasa.nshaya dR^iDhanishchaya\-maanasavaan.h .

niShkaaraNa bhakata\-sharaNa tyaji jaati\-kula\maan.h ..

sampada tava shriipada bhava goShpada\-vaari yathaay.h .

premaarpaNa samadarshana jaga\-jana\-duHkha jaay.h ..

namo namo prabhu vaakya-manaatiita

mano vachanaikaadhaar.h

jyotira\-jyoti ujjvala hR^idikandara

tumi tama\-bha~njana haar.h

prabhu tumi tama\-bha~njana haar.h ..

dhe dhe dhe la.nga ra.nga bha.nga baaje a.nga sa.nga mR^ida.nga\-

gaa{}ichhe chhanda bhakata vR^inda aarati tomaar.h ..

jaya jaya aarati tomaar.h .

hara hara aarati tomaar.h .

shiva shiva aarati tomaar.h .

khaNDana bhava\-bandhana jaga\-vandana vandi tomaay.h ..

jaya shrii guru maharaajjii kii jaya ..

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