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Ramakrishna Math Bhubaneswar - 85th Foundation Day.

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Dear Friends,


Today is a big day for the devotees of Bhubaneswar as our beloved

Math steps into its 86th year of existence. A special Arati was

conducted and around 300 devotees had Prasad. The atmosphere was very

peaceful and holy. We felt the presence of the Holy Trio as well as

Most Revered Srimat Swami Brahmanandaji Maharaj amidst the small



Inaugurated on 31st October 1919, the Bhubaneswar Math was the

brainchild of Raja Maharaj. He used to visit Bhubaneswar often and

liked its spiritual atmosphere. He called the place Gupta Kashi and

said that a single repetation of the Mantra here was equivalent to

500 repetations elsewhere.


When he visited Bhubaneswar it was a very small settlement, a cluster

of buildings around the famous Lingaraja Temple. But Raja Maharaj had

a vision and said the hamlet would soon be the center of Orissa and

would grow into a very big metropolis.


He sensed the need for a Math center there. His intention was to open

a center where the Bramhacharis of the Math would receive training.


He assigned Srimat Swami Sankaranandaji Maharaj the task. Accordingly

Sankaranandaji visited Bhubaneswar and set up residence near the

Kedar Gouri Temple complex in the Old Town. A very big plot of land

was soon acquired, in the year 1917, from a servitor of the Lingaraj

Temple at a princely sum of Rs. 500/-. The plot was a forest land at

the far end of the town and also housed a cremation ground. The

locals were incredulous and wondered why the Math was eager to open a

center at " that god forsaken place " .


After the land was acquired, the construction work began.

Sankaranandaji personally supervised every detail. A very dexterous

builder was appointed. Raja Maharaj occasionally visited to know for

himself the progress of the assignment. He always expressed

satisfaction at the way things were shaping up. After two years of

hard labour, the Math was finally inaugurated in the year 1919.


Interestingly the builder (head mistry) who supervised, became a

devotee of Raja Maharaj. He offered himself at his feet and joined

the Math as a monk. He spent his entire life there and passed away

peacefully at an advanced age.


Raja Maharaj was particularly fond of this Math and would often take

long breaks from his responsibilities at Belur Math to spend time at

Bhubaneswar. Most Revered Swami Nirvananadaji Maharaj was always by

his side. Raja Maharaj, an avid garden lover, used to bring saplings

from various parts of India to plant them within the campus of the

Math. Raja Maharaj had many visions in this Math. It was here that he

could sense the passing away of Holy Mother and could not sleep the

whole night. He often went into samadhi sitting in his relaxing

chair, the hukkah in his mouth. It was here that on the day of Holi,

powdered colour was sprinkled on him from heaven, signifying his

descent from the close coterie of Sri Krishna. Raja Maharaj also had

a vision that the Math compound once housed a Buddhist monastery

where many seekers had achieved nirvana.


The Math has been visited by many direct disciples of Thakur. Ramlal

Dada too payed a visit. Our present Vice President Maharaj, Most

Revered Srimat Swami Gahanandaji Maharaj, joined this Math as a



The Maharani of Mayurbhanj, in Orissa, was a disciple of Mahapurush

Maharaj and acquired the adjacent land so that she could stay near

the Math. Later she donated the building to the Math which now serves

as the Guest House. This Math also has the famous, " Sujji Maharaj's

Kutia " . Many devotees of Swami Nirvanandaji visit this Math to have a

darshan of that Kutia.


The Math now runs a school, a dispensary, a students home, a

library , a publications division and also provides regular mobile

medical services. It has also a very elegant Monks Quarters. Over

time the Math has become a landmark in the city of Bhubaneswar. The

Math is today headed by Most Revered Srimat Swami Siveswaranandaji



Among the earlier Heads have been Swamis Sankaranandaji,

Nirvanandaji, Apurbanandaji, Suparnanandaji, and Stutyanandaji. I

once had the good fortune of sitting at the feet of Sambhu Maharaj

and listening to his reminiscences when he had stayed at this Math.

He wanted to circumbulate the road around the Math and requested me

to help him. But I was afraid that his frail health would not allow

it and could not keep that wish. May he forgive me.


I should stop here as I just could go on an on waxing eloquence on

this Math which has become my home over the years.


Jay Raja Maharaj Ji ki Jay.


Today it was also the birthday of Srimat Swami Vireswaranandaji

Maharaj. So it was a double whammy !!




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