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Conversations on Spirit Divine - 6

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Disciple: - Swamiji, Lord Krishna was considered a Purnavathara(incarnation with full glory) of the Lord of universe. He has made such a renaissance as we see in Bhagavat Gita. It is considered that the teachings of the Gita are the essence of all paths and faiths and they are really the essence of all Upanishads. It is said that those teachings are for modern world and that they will remain ever new for the future world also. I think that there was no necessity for a new adjustment as all embracing teachings are given in the Gita.


Swamiji: - It is certainly true that the Gita made harmony between different faiths that existed at the time of advent of Lord Krishna. It is also true that it was a bold attempt to make such an adjustment at that time, as the people of India were adhering to Vedic ceremonies and sacrifices. Yet it was not a world wide renaissance that was the need at that time. This world was not so much advanced in spiritual science in those days, although India was having wonderful developments in that science. Material science was also not developed in those days. Lord Krishna made harmony between then existing systems of religion and faith. It was after His time that Lord Budha established His religion. It

was again after His time that Jesus Christ and Mohammed Nabi introduced their religions. Although Gita proclaims harmony between different sects and faiths, that harmony can not be treated as all embracing as new faiths and religions took birth after that period. Further there is a need of having a kind of Harmony between material science and spiritual science as this age is one of material science. It was therefore necessary to have a new divine manifestation at this age and that need was fulfilled by the advent of Sri Ramakrishna.

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