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I have a query "


Purascharana is the discipline in which we repeat our chosen mantra as many

100,000 times as there are syllables in the mantra.


" Namah Shivaya " has 5 syllables and so to complete a Purascharana of this

Mantra one has to repeat the Mantra 500,000 times


When i thought i would do Purascharana on the Ramakrishna Mantra i was

initiated with (which also has 5 syllables) I realized i would have to

stretch it out over several weeks or even months, depending on the amount of

times i repeated the Mantra each day


I mention all this because i would like to know how it is written that

people like the Supremely REvered Holy Mother was able to repeat Her Mantra

10 million times a day (1 Crore times)


It is physically impossible. i decided to repeat my Mantra 12,500 times a

day for 38 days which works out to 500,000. 12,500 times a day took 3-4

hours depending on how fast and furious and devoted i wished to say it. (The

less the devotion the faster it was!) BUt nothing less than 3 hours however

fast i might say the mantra.


Even that was a considerable effort on my part and i wondered whether i was

cut out to completing the Purascharana.


at the most one can say the mantra 100,000 times a day, that is saying it

continously through out the day even if we are attending to our other duties

like the Holy Mother used to do.


1 Crore times and all that is mere exaggeration


or am i wrong???



any thoughts?



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Ramakrishna , " jairam seshadri "

<jairamseshadri@h...> wrote:



> at the most one can say the mantra 100,000 times a day, that is

saying it

> continously through out the day even if we are attending to our

other duties

> like the Holy Mother used to do.


> 1 Crore times and all that is mere exaggeration


> or am i wrong???



> any thoughts?





If you stick to the literal meaning, you are right; if

you are seeking the spiritual meaning you are wrong!


In the state of Consciousness of vishvaruupa darshana,

which Mother (and Thakur) were in often, " one eats with a thousand

mouths, sees with thousand eyes " - so why not purashcharana with a

million minds? (also mental japa is 1000 times verbal japa).





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