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Pointed questions

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Dear List


The following pointed questions are sent from a person who came to listen to a talk I gave at Bristol temple.

May I request you to respond?...............jay


<vivekananda; <hinduMonday, March 21, 2005 9:40 PM..... from bristol> Dear Sir>> i am god my"self"........if this is true, then who to pray and why to > pray? no prayers..isn't it? prayer is to self and all other gods who have > realised and who havn't!! why pray at all if you realise the brahman!>> moreover...ramakrishna paramahamsa is a non dualist, then what about all > those things on talking to kali etc,...in the sense ramakrishna says to > vivekananda things like.....u don't believe in kali......the mother told > me this and that!!!> Regards,> S.......



Dear S.......I am going to take the liberty of sending this message to our Ramakrishna List for the members to react to your very valid questions. I will not disclose your email address or name to the list, but let us see what kind of interesting response comes from the devotees of Sri Ramakrishna.regardsjay

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There is Truth and there is also that which is useful on the path to Truth.


In Truth, there is nothing to which one can pray that is apart from one's own deepest essence, which is wholly Divine and which is one with all essences and is also beyond essence and all distinction.


And, while we are still experiencing and identified with duality (which is a perspective, not a condition), prayer to and/or communion with Divine Essence is a most powerful practice. Therefore, pray to and commune with That which inspires and exalts you, whatever you conceive It to be.


Hafizullah Sufi

Vivekananda Centre <vivekanandaramlist <ramakrishna >Mon, 21 Mar 2005 22:51:53 -0000[sri Ramakrishna] Pointed questions


Dear List


The following pointed questions are sent from a person who came to listen to a talk I gave at Bristol temple.

May I request you to respond?...............jay


<vivekananda; <hinduMonday, March 21, 2005 9:40 PM..... from bristol> Dear Sir>> i am god my"self"........if this is true, then who to pray and why to > pray? no prayers..isn't it? prayer is to self and all other gods who have > realised and who havn't!! why pray at all if you realise the brahman!>> moreover...ramakrishna paramahamsa is a non dualist, then what about all > those things on talking to kali etc,...in the sense ramakrishna says to > vivekananda things like.....u don't believe in kali......the mother told > me this and that!!!> Regards,> S.......



Dear S.......I am going to take the liberty of sending this message to our Ramakrishna List for the members to react to your very valid questions. I will not disclose your email address or name to the list, but let us see what kind of interesting response comes from the devotees of Sri Ramakrishna.regardsjaySri Ramakrishnaya NamahVivekananda Centre Londonhttp://www.vivekananda.co.uk

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Dear S...,

You are absolutely correct. Prayer is to our own "self". Swami Vivekananda is unambigous about that. When we pray, He says, we are appealing to our "higher" self. We may be unaware of this fact initially, but as we mature spiritually, perhaps, we realise our unity with the Lord of the universe. I think this realisation comes as we feel our empowerment, simultaneous with spiritual efforts. We feel that we are capable of many more things than we understood earlier. But, since we suffer from the defect of reverse vision to play this game of life well, we like to objectify our own self. It makes things easier for us in our current state of understanding. So, we pray. I think it is this way.....till we seek, we are not quite "Bramhan". In the unitive state of existence, we are full. So, no seeking and hence no prayer. As long as we see Nature objectively, our awe about the universe will compell us to pray. If not formally, at least informally, in the form of wants and desires. Prayer purifies the quality of this seeking.

A former President of the Ramakrishna Order, Swami Bhuteshananda, used to say that Sri Ramakrishna is not only a non-dualist. He is also a dualist, a qualified dualist and also many more, if such possibilities exist. He had experienced God in all possible manifestations : non-dual, dual, qualified dual and many more, for His was a life which has enveloped all varieties of God experience. He himself used to say that the mode of non-dualism does not offset the mode of dualism. In the Infinite, there are infinite possibilities. Don't limit God....was His frequent refrain. That is how He even educated His teachers who had come to train Him in a particular mode. Totapuri almost symbolises your doubt. Maybe you would like to dig into the Totapuri episode to satisfy your query.

Fond regards,


-"Vivekananda Centre" ramlist [sri Ramakrishna] Pointed questionsMon, 21 Mar 2005 22:51:53 -0000

Dear List


The following pointed questions are sent from a person who came to listen to a talk I gave at Bristol temple.

May I request you to respond?...............jay


<vivekananda; <hinduMonday, March 21, 2005 9:40 PM..... from bristol> Dear Sir>> i am god my"self"........if this is true, then who to pray and why to > pray? no prayers..isn't it? prayer is to self and all other gods who have > realised and who havn't!! why pray at all if you realise the brahman!>> moreover...ramakrishna paramahamsa is a non dualist, then what about all > those things on talking to kali etc,...in the sense ramakrishna says to > vivekananda things like.....u don't believe in kali......the mother told > me this and that!!!> Regards,> S.......



Dear S.......I am going to take the liberty of sending this message to our Ramakrishna List for the members to react to your very valid questions. I will not disclose your email address or name to the list, but let us see what kind of interesting response comes from the devotees of Sri Ramakrishna.regardsjaySri Ramakrishnaya NamahVivekananda Centre Londonhttp://www.vivekananda.co.uk

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may i try to answer with some other quest's

>is the prayer always for?

>aren't grace and thankfulness a synonym of prayer?

>does it mean you've realised Brahman if you're always thankfull?

(i don't know :)

mihaelaVivekananda Centre <vivekananda wrote:


> Dear Sir>> i am god my"self"........if this is true, then who to pray and why to > pray? no prayers..isn't it? prayer is to self and all other gods who have > realised and who havn't!! why pray at all if you realise the brahman!>> moreover...ramakrishna paramahamsa is a non dualist, then what about all > those things on talking to kali etc,...in the sense ramakrishna says to > vivekananda things like.....u don't believe in kali......the mother told > me this and that!!!

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may i try to answer with some other quest's

>is the prayer always for?

>aren't grace and thankfulness a synonym of prayer?

>does it mean you've realised Brahman if

you're always thankfull?

(i don't know :)




There is

prayer that just IS... not " for " or " about " anything.



is also " great fullness. " So, yes.


If you are

always thankful, it means that you are always thankful.  Be thankful for that.



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Why pray at

all if you realise the brahman!

ramakrishna paramahamsa is a non dualist, then what about all

> those things on talking to kali etc




When in the state of union with Brahmin there is no one to pray

to, otherwise there is.


Love, Bob Rose

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