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adoubt on tantra

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it is said that sriramakrishna perfected all existing

paths of spirituality - including tantra.

the path of tantra includes sexual intercourse as a

step of realization.

but latter he shuns sex.

so does he say that when it is used to get enlightenment

it is ok to indulge?

i would also like u r comments on osho as a spiritual master.

thank u


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" geethu " <sajithachuthank

[sri Ramakrishna] adoubt on tantra




> namaste

> it is said that sriramakrishna perfected all existing

> paths of spirituality - including tantra.

> the path of tantra includes sexual intercourse as a

> step of realization.

> but latter he shuns sex.

> so does he say that when it is used to get enlightenment

> it is ok to indulge?

> i would also like u r comments on osho as a spiritual master.

> thank u

> sajith




Please read the life of Sri Ramakrishna. He never indulged in sex. So this

question is in poor taste. Please read his life story carefully, you will be

amazed at his achievements in the spiritual realm and all this was achieved

thorough absolute purity. Osho's methods are in stark contrast to the

methods suggested by Sri Ramakrishna who emphasised the importance of

celibacy for spiritual progress.




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Namaste Sajiith,


Tantric practice consists of methods

of stilling the mind and entering Samadhi in union with our own self, Advaita,

the formless.


Sex as a method of concentration and

raising Kundalini is mentioned briefly in only one section of all the vast

Tantric scriptures, it is highly ritualized and carried out under the auspices

of a real master. For the vast, vast majority of Tantricas it is ignored. Once practiced celibacy is embraced,

and sex is never indulged in outside of the practice. Sri Ramakrishna never used this practice, it is very

dangerous and it is a gross misconception that this is what Tanric practice mainly

consists of, or that it is a necessary step to realization through Tantric

practice. It is not at all

necessary, or advisable, for most. It is very understandable why it would

attract the mind of the many and they would fixate on it.


Love, Bob Rose

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Dear Sajith,

Sri Ramakrishna was practical to the core. He did not shun sex in the ordinary sense that we condemn it. He was too practical to imagine that people will transcend a deep-rooted instinct instantaneously. Though He never compromised with the requirement of absolute chastity as a pre-condition of spiritual enlightenment, He equally understood the difficulties of a spiritual aspirant struggling with his primordial urge. In that light, I don't think your question is in poor taste. I differ and view it as a very practical question.

You could read 'The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna' to find out how sympathetically and practically He handles this issue with "M", the recorder of the Gospel. Sri Ramakrishna was far from the remoteness of a puritan. He was full of concern for a sincere aspirant.

My personal reading of Sri Ramakrishna's take on this issue is Thakur would advise controlled sexual gratification only to come out of the appeal of sex and realise oneself as the sexless Spirit.

Osho, on the other hand, wanted to experiment with an approach that was not replicable on a mass scale. Hence, the approach succumbed to indulgent sex binge. This approach also finds mention in "The Gospel" as Veer Bhava.

Warm regards,


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there are two approaches in tatra philosophy

one is vama marga which includes pacha makaras means 5 m's viz

matsya (fish)

madya (spirit)

maithuna (sex)


another i am not remembering...

this is called very dangerous path, without the proper guidance, a man will defenitely go last in these delusion..so it is rarely adviced and followed

coming to the point of ramakrishnas practise of tantra..

he was under utter surveillance of bhairavi brahmani (his first guru) ...there she asks him to touch meat from his tongue, for the he refuses, she does and asks him to do..so he determines and touches from his tongue..coming to the point of sex, bhairavi just shows him a couple involving in sex, no where she asks him to take action in sex...this is very clear...

after all these very very difficult sadhanas, ramakrishna acquired ashta siddhis, once he asks mother kaali the use of siddhis he got from these sadhanas, mother kaali says these have no importance in spirituality and asks him to keep out as yoga mala (waste of product of yoga).

there is another version, called dakshina marga or shudda marga, which includes srichakra pooja and mantra and meditation path..which is universally followed and accepted....

for some more information on tantra, plz also read Living with the himalayan masters..by swamy rama


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when sri ramakrishna was practicing his tantra sadhna with bhairavi, there was a girl standing beside him, he touched the feet of that girl, this shows that he was a great saint....he considered every women as his mother.....so nothing called sex was there in his life



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Dear Sajith,


In Sri Swami Saradanandaji's " Sri Sri Ramakrishna Leela Prasanga " ,

he mentions 3 types of tantric practices - the demoniac, the heroic

and the divine.


The demoniac path is for those who have little self control - for

them tantra prescribes absolute abstinence from contact with women

(opposite sex). The Heroic or Veera is for those who have good self

control. To them, tantra prescribes overcoming sexual urge through

controlled sexual enjoyment. The divine, the highest of the three,

is for the highly advanced aspirant, who has little body

consciousness, hence the aspirant has advanced far beyond any form

of sexual act. He meditates on Divine Mother according to the

prescribed tantra rituals and realizes union of Siva and Sakti.


Hence, you find that the so-called much publicised sex in Tantra,

comes only in the " middle-path " so to say, namely the heroic. It is

totally absent in the highest and lowest paths - the divine as well

as the demoniac.


Sri Ramakrishna followed the Divine method. It is said that even

Bhairavi Brahmani, his Tantric Guru, was not advanced enough to

follow the Divine method, and she was amazed when Sri Ramakrishna

perfected this Tantric method. Just as with Tota Puri, Sri

Ramakrishna became the Guru of his Guru Bhairavi Brahmani as well.


I have noted this down from my memory of Saradanandaji's

masterpiece. Please bear with any lapses.


With prayers,


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