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Pictures of Sri Ramakrishna

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I have a query on the pictures of Sri Ramakrishna, as seen in books written about him. I have read in his biographies that

during his spiritual Sadhana he once went to a sweeper outcaste's house and wiped the floor with his long hair (to the

extent that I could remember the story). In all pictures Sri Ramakrishna is seen with short hair. Did Sri Ramakrishna used

to employ a barber? Any thoughts on this?





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Dear Harihara,


The few pictures of Sri Ramakrishna which are available are all after

his spiritual exercises were complete. To my knowledge, there are no

pictures available when he was undrgoing his sadhana. So I suppose,

during that time he did have really long hair / beard.


In the Kathamrita, there is at least one reference I can think of

about Sri Ramakrishna being shaved (I forget, whether this refers to

him shaving himself or a barber), but this was after M had arrived

which was several years after the reported long hair / beard incident.




Ramakrishna , " Krishnan, Harihara "

<harihara.krishnan wrote:


In all pictures Sri Ramakrishna

> is seen with short hair. Did Sri Ramakrishna used

> to employ a barber? Any thoughts on this?


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Dear Harihara,


Sri Ramakrishna had a long hair during sadana

period. When Tota Puri a Advaitin came to Dakshineswar

he saved head before giving Sanayasa. Regarding this

you will get referece in " Sri Ramakrishna the Great

Master "






--- parthasinha1 <parthasinha1 wrote:



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