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My introduction to the group

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Dear members of the group,

Not a long time back i got to know thathere in is Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa group, where i guess, peopleare getting to know more about teachings of Sri Ramakrishna. Histeachings and teachings of Vivekananda Swami are very dear to me. Andwhen reading Vivekananda's works i feel, that i found what i wassearching for more then 5 years.I personally come from Latvia, Riga city. And we dont have anyRamakrishna mission over here. I guess, the closest is in Moscow. Sobecause of that i am requesting my friends from India to send me books:) That is the way i learn more.I hope i could be a usefull member in this very big group.Best wishes for all the members of this group.Katya


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Dear Friend .... you can read documents on Vivekanandas complete works on Internet....I can send you books on Swami, kindly send your postal address to me...with loveVinay Gupta K S

On 22/09/2007, Jekaterina Gvozdyuka <j.gvozdyuka wrote:





Dear members of the group,

Not a long time back i got to know thathere in is Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa group, where i guess, peopleare getting to know more about teachings of Sri Ramakrishna. Histeachings and teachings of Vivekananda Swami are very dear to me. And

when reading Vivekananda's works i feel, that i found what i wassearching for more then 5 years.I personally come from Latvia, Riga city. And we dont have anyRamakrishna mission over here. I guess, the closest is in Moscow. So

because of that i am requesting my friends from India to send me books:) That is the way i learn more.I hope i could be a usefull member in this very big group.Best wishes for all the members of this group.



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-- " If you judge people, you have no time to love them " - Swami Vivekananda " when u realize u have made a mistake,take a immediate steps to correct it " -Dalai Lama

" You Must Be The Change You Wish To See In The World. " Mohandas K.Gandhi

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Hi Katya, I am from Bulgaria /you may have been here in the summer/ and I joined the group before four or five years. I have learned many things about Sri Ramakrishna's and Swami Vivekananda's teachings in this group. I hope you will enjoy your being a member. With best wishes and regards, Milena

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Ogromnoje spasibo!

Ja tozhe nadejus, chto vso chto ja hotela uznat, ja uznaju :)

Sejchas ja chitaju knigu "Warroir Saint". Ochen, ochen horoshaja.

Ja nadejus, vi ponimajete po-russki. Potomu chto mne ochen bi hotelos najti v etoj gruppe

edinomishlennikov, ponimajuschih po-russki :)

K sozhaleniju, v Bolgarii ja ne bila. A v kakom Vi gorode?


S uvazhenijem,





Milena Kiriakova <milena1kiriakovaRamakrishna Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2007 9:20:29 AM[sri Ramakrishna] Re:My introduction to the group



Hi Katya,

I am from Bulgaria /you may have been here in the summer/ and I joined the group before four or five years. I have learned many things about Sri Ramakrishna' s and Swami Vivekananda' s teachings in this group. I hope you will enjoy your being a member.

With best wishes and regards,




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Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Games.

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There are many websites for reading books on Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda







On 9/22/07, Jekaterina Gvozdyuka <j.gvozdyuka wrote:








Dear members of the group,

Not a long time back i got to know thathere in is Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa group, where i guess, peopleare getting to know more about teachings of Sri Ramakrishna. Histeachings and teachings of Vivekananda Swami are very dear to me. And

when reading Vivekananda's works i feel, that i found what i wassearching for more then 5 years.I personally come from Latvia, Riga city. And we dont have anyRamakrishna mission over here. I guess, the closest is in Moscow. So

because of that i am requesting my friends from India to send me books:) That is the way i learn more.I hope i could be a usefull member in this very big group.Best wishes for all the members of this group.




Luggage? GPS? Comic books? Check out fitting

gifts for grads at Search.

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Hari Om Katya,Check the following link for the books "The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna", "The Complete works of Swami Vivekananda", and other books:http://www.ramakrishnavivekananda.info/index.htmHere is the link to the monthly "Vedanta Kesari" published by Ramakrishna Mission:http://www.sriramakrishnamath.org/Magazine/VK/VKhome.aspDo you want some books by post. I think you first try to get books by post from the Moscow Mission. If you can't get them from there, then do inform me.Om Tat Sat

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Dear Katya, You can order books from the Ramakrishna-vivekananda center in New york, or may enquire if books can be sent to you from them or from India. Hope I have been helpful. PrashanthJekaterina Gvozdyuka <j.gvozdyuka wrote: Dear members of the group, Not a long time back i got to know thathere in is Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa group, where i guess, peopleare getting to know

more about teachings of Sri Ramakrishna. Histeachings and teachings of Vivekananda Swami are very dear to me. Andwhen reading Vivekananda's works i feel, that i found what i wassearching for more then 5 years.I personally come from Latvia, Riga city. And we dont have anyRamakrishna mission over here. I guess, the closest is in Moscow. Sobecause of that i am requesting my friends from India to send me books:) That is the way i learn more.I hope i could be a usefull member in this very big group.Best wishes for all the members of this group.Katya Luggage? GPS? Comic books? Check out fitting gifts for grads at Search.

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