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R. Tagore and Sri Ramakrishna

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Dear Milena,

Here is a poem written By Sri Rabindranath about Thakur,


" Diverse courses of worship from varied springs of fulfillment

have mingled in your meditation.

The manifold revelation of the joy of the Infinite has given form to a shrine of

unity in your life where from far and near arrive salutations to which I join my

own. "


Though this one is specifically written by him for Thakur, but whenever I sing

any of Tagore's spiritual songs I feel like they were all meant for Thakur, Maa

or Swamiji. I found out from various articles and books, that Tagore met with

Thakur only once but they never spoke with each other. Sri Rabindranath had a

different view about Thakur's principles but later acknowledged Thakur's

Greatness and wrote the above poem. Swamiji sang some of the songs of Tagore to

Sri Ramakrishna.


I will appreciate if anybody in the group have some more knowledge about the

meetings of Sri Ramakrishna and Sri Rabindranath.


Thank you Milena for the question. I had this question myself.







Ramakrishna , " milena1kiriakova " <milena1kiriakova



> Hello all,

> Is it known Rabindranath Tagore to made some saying about Sri Ramakrishna?

> Regards,

> Milena


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Dear Sujata,I read some where, may be in 'God lived with them' by Chetanananda that Thakurexpressed his desire to meet Devendranath Tagore, father of Rabindranath Tagore and Sri Ramakrishna went to the house of Devendranath Tagore and met him. According to this book Rabindranath Tagore is a small boy When Sri Ramakrishna went to his house. However he spoke to Devendranath Tagore and expressed satisfaction on Sr TagoreIn His Grace,Chandru

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Hi Sujata,


As I have felt the same, I asked this question. In the Gospel of Sri

Ramakrishna, in one of the last chapters it is mentioned a Rabindra /I have been

thinking of him as R. Tagore/ who was very upset and wanted to renounce the

world. M. says in the Gospel that that Rabindra met Sri Ramakrishna who said to

him that his time was not yet come. M. says Sri Ramakrishna cherished for him

deep affection.




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Ramakrishna , " H.S.Chandraseckariah " <hschandru2000





> I read some where, may be in 'God lived with them' by Chetanananda that Thakur

> expressed his desire to meet Devendranath Tagore, father of Rabindranath

Tagore and Sri Ramakrishna went to the house of Devendranath Tagore and met him.

According to this book Rabindranath Tagore is a small boy When Sri Ramakrishna

went to his house. However he spoke to Devendranath Tagore and expressed

satisfaction on Sr Tagore





There are several references to Devendranath and Sri Ramakrishna in the

Gospel (please look in the Index for page nos.). It would appear Sri R. admired

D.'s scholarship and philanthropy but did not recognise any 'renunciation' in

him. [There is an incident where D.

told Mathur Babu not to bring Sri R. to a festival, because the latter could not

promise to keep his upper garment in place at all times!!]


Judging from the history of Brahmo Samaj which split up around 1868

into Adi (led by D.) and Sadharana Samaj (led by Keshab Chandra Sen) and

subsequently KCS's total surrender to Sri R., there was no further meeting

between D. and Sri R. In fact when KCS passed away in 1879, Sri R. said 'I have

lost my right arm'. Ravindranath was born in 1861, so it is unlikely he had

occasion to meet Sri R. Sw. Vivekananda

(b. 1863) was a contemporary of Ravindranath, and would certainly have mentioned

him at some point in time. Swamiji's meetings intensified from 1881-till Sri

R.'s samadhi in 1886.






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Dear All,

I remember seeing some references of R. Tagore in " Letters of

Sister Nivedita " . Niveditaji admired Tagore but Swamiji wasn't very

happy with that. I even remember reading that he forbade her to go

near the Tagore family and made certain negative remarks. I'll try to

find that and post it here.





On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 9:27 PM, Sunder Hattangadi <sunderh wrote:

> Ramakrishna , " H.S.Chandraseckariah " <hschandru2000





>> I read some where, may be in 'God lived with them' by Chetanananda that


>> expressed his desire to meet Devendranath Tagore, father of Rabindranath

Tagore and Sri Ramakrishna went to the house of Devendranath Tagore and met him.

According to this book Rabindranath Tagore is a small boy When Sri Ramakrishna

went to his house. However he spoke to Devendranath Tagore and expressed

satisfaction on Sr Tagore


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Hello Milena,


The Rabindra is not Rabindranath Tagore. Some other Rabnidra.


Thanks And Regards,

Rupak Banerjee.--- On Sun, 3/22/09, Milena Kiriakova <milena1kiriakova wrote:

Milena Kiriakova <milena1kiriakova[sri Ramakrishna] Re: R. Tagore and Sri RamakrishnaRamakrishna Date: Sunday, March 22, 2009, 6:55 PM



Hi Sujata,As I have felt the same, I asked this question. In the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, in one of the last chapters it is mentioned a Rabindra /I have been thinking of him as R. Tagore/ who was very upset and wanted to renounce the world. M. says in the Gospel that that Rabindra met Sri Ramakrishna who said to him that his time was not yet come. M. says Sri Ramakrishna cherished for him deep affection.Regards,Milena

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This Rabindra does not appear to be the same as R. Tagore.






Ramakrishna , Milena Kiriakova <milena1kiriakova




> Hi Sujata,


> As I have felt the same, I asked this question. In the Gospel of Sri

Ramakrishna, in one of the last chapters it is mentioned a Rabindra /I have been

thinking of him as R. Tagore/ who was very upset and wanted to renounce the

world. M. says in the Gospel that that Rabindra met Sri Ramakrishna who said to

him that his time was not yet come. M. says Sri Ramakrishna cherished for him

deep affection.


> Regards,

> Milena


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> Ramakrishna , " H.S.Chandraseckariah " <hschandru2000@>



Here is an excerpt from the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna May 2, 1883


About five o'clock in the afternoon Sri Ramakrishna arrived at the temple of the

Brahmo Samaj in Nandanbagan, accompanied by M., Rakhal, and a few other

devotees. At first the Master sat in the drawing-room on the ground floor, where

the Brahmo devotees gradually assembled. Rabindranath Tagore and a few other

members of the Tagore family were present on this occasion. ..........The hosts

were so engrossed with the other invited guests that they forgot to pay any

attention to Sri Ramakrishna......The Master, with Rakhal and the others,

followed the crowd to the second floor. No room could be found for him inside

the hall. Finally, with great difficulty, a place was found tor him in a dusty

corner. A brahmin woman served some curry, but Sri Ramakrishna could not eat it.

He ate luchi with salt and took some sweets.


The entire chapter is available at:





Going by Rabindranath's comments on Swami Vivekananda in later years, the former

probably chaged his mind.



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